t ratio

[医] 统计系数与标准误差比率

  • CTL induced by DC transfected by rAAV / CEA had stronger ability to kill tumor cells ; killing rate gradually increased as E / T ratio ( 20:1 ) increased .

    rAAV/CEA转染诱导的CTL具有较强的杀伤肿瘤细胞的能力,杀伤率随着 E/T 比例(20:1)的增加而逐渐增高。

  • Methods Twenty seven cases of PCa and 184 cases of BPH were studied retrospectively T-PSA and F / T ratio between these two kinds of diseases was analyzed .

    方法回顾分析27例PCa及184例BPH的血清T-PSA和F/T值,分别比较T-PSA与 F/T值对前列腺良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断价值。

  • Combined with analysis of three indices in lead I ( R / T ratio T-intercept and the difference between R and T wave amplitude ) however the sensitivity reaches 70.5 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结合分析标准第一导联中 R/T 比值,T-截距和R波与T波振幅之差值等三项指标的异常,使敏感度提高到70.5%(P<0.01)。

  • Compared with diabetic patients with normal sex function while there was no significant difference in PRL T and E 2 / T ratio the AR level of diabetic impotent patients further decreased and the ER / AR ratio further increased .

    与糖尿病无阳痿组相比,糖尿病性阳痿组的PRL水平、T水平、 E2/T 比值均无显著差异,但AR水平进一步降低,ER/AR比值进一步升高。

  • The levels of serum estradiol ( E 2 ) and testosterone ( T ) were tested by RIA and E 2 / T ratio was calculated .

    测定血清雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T),并计算 E2T 比值

  • The result of sex hormone determination indicated that in the group with prostate volume reduction E_2 and E_2 / T ratio decreased with marked difference as compared with the group without prostate volume reduction ( P < 0.05 ) .

    治疗组治疗前后的性激素测定结果表明:腺体缩小组中,E2治疗后下降, E2/T 比值下降,与腺体未缩小组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

  • Plasma testosterone ( T ) estradiol ( E_2 ) and E_2 / T ratio were determined in ten patients who had benign prostatic hypertrophy ( BPH ) and compared with those in ten cases who were senile male with non-prostatic hypertrophy ( NPH ) .

    作者测定10例前列腺增生症(BPH)病人血浆睾酮(T),雌二醇(E2)及E 2/T 比值,并对照10例非前列腺增生症(NPH)男性老年者。

  • It was found that HBV DNA based immunization could induce CTL activity in healthy BALB / c mice with intensity correlated with the E / T ratio and IFN γ secretion level in its supernatants .

    结果发现,DNA疫苗能有效诱导健康BALB/c小鼠CTL活性,活性强弱与 E/T 比值及其上清液中IFNγ分泌水平有一定关系。

  • Compared to model group CD4 + T cell of treated group increased and CD8 + T cell increased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) . The mammary immunity of treated group was enhanced due to the increase of CD4 + / CD8 + T ratio .

    和模型组相比,治疗组CD4~+T细胞有所增多,CD8~+T细胞显著减少(P<0.05), CD4~+/CD8~+T细胞 比值升高, 表明黄芩苷能够调节细胞免疫,提高乳腺免疫力。

  • Theory deduce experimentation and Finite Element Analysis ( FEA for short ) are carried out on b / t ratio of T-section steel .

    本文从理论分析、试验研究、有限元计算三方面研究了剖分 T型钢腹板局部屈曲及宽厚 限值。

  • Conclusion : The F / T ratio and PSAD are adjuvant markers to tPSA and have clinical significance in differential diagnosis on patients whose tPSA in diagnostic gray zone .

    结论以 F/T及PSAD作为tPSA的辅助指标,对PSA灰区PCa的诊断具有明显临床意义。

  • In experiment group specific cytotoxicity were 15.37 % ± 1.58 % and 19.86 % ± 2.86 % ( P < 0.05 ) E / T ratio was 20 / 1 and 40 / 1 respectively .

    当效 为20∶1和40∶1时,实验组鼠脾 T细胞的特异性杀伤率分别为15.37%±1.58%和19.86%±2.86%,且随着效靶比增高而增强(P<0.05)。

  • At E / T ratio of 10 / 1 and 20 / 1 the cytolytic rate of CD3AK cells combined with BCG to T 24 was significantly higher than that of CD3AK cells or BCG respectively .

    在效靶 为10∶1及20∶1时,培养4d的CD,AK细胞BCG联合作用于T24细胞的杀伤率高于二者分别对 T24细胞的杀伤率。

  • Conclusion With the detected F-PSA and F / T ratio it can improve the diagnosis specificity of PSA among BPH and PCa ( especially within the PSA diagnostic gray zone ) .

    结论F-PSA及 F/T 比值的测定,可提高PSA对BPH及PCa(尤其在PSA诊断灰区)鉴别诊断的特异性。

  • E2 / T ratio of female kidney tonic group was decrease than female blood tonic with promoting blood circulation group ( P < 0.05 );

    雌性补肾组 E2/T 比值低于雌性养血活血组(P<0.05);

  • Methods : The levels of T-PSA and F-PSA of 50 cases of BPH 28 of PCa and 20 healthy male adults were detected by ELISA and the F / T ratio was calculated .

    方法:运用酶联免疫方法检测28例前列腺癌患者、50例前列腺增生(BPH)患者和20例健康成年男性血清中T-PSA、F-PSA的情况并计算 F/T 比值

  • In three groups the changes of CD28 expression paralleled to that of CD4 ~ + T cell ratio .

    而CD28分子的表达与 CD4+细胞 比率的变化趋势一致;

  • A critical value of the liquid height to tank diameter ( Z / T ) ratio exist . When Z / T ratio is greater than the critical value the surface stress increase with the Z / T.

    液位与搅拌槽直径的 比值Z/T存在一个值,在Z/ T大于该数值时,随着转速的增加,桨叶表面的应力增大。

  • The results suggest that testosterone total superoxide dismutase and E2 / T ratio act as an index for judgment bio - logic age and aging degree in the man elderly .

    作者认为可将血浆睾酮含量、T-SOD活力及E 2/T 比值的测定 作为判断男性老年人的生物年龄及老化程度的一个参考指标。

  • T PSA and F PSA increased about 4.4 % and 2.7 % per year respectively while F / T ratio decreased about 1.3 % per year .

    TPSA及FPSA每年分别增加约4.4%和2.7%, F/T 比值每年下降约1.3%。

  • Effects of Lishen injection on serum estradiol ( E2 ) testosterone ( T ) and the E2 / T ratio in30 cases of postmenopausal patients with coronary heart disease and of Kidney Deficiency type were observed .

    本研究观察了丽参注射液治疗前后老年女性冠心病肾虚患者雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)及E2/ T 比值的变化。

  • Serum T-PSA F / T ratio in diagnosis of prostatic cancer and its positive alarm value

    血清T-PSA、 F/T诊断前列腺肿瘤及其阳性预警值研究

  • RESULTS : Serum IFN - γ level and the percentage of splenic T lymphocyte subset in IG were decreased significantly CD4 + / CD8 + T cell ratio increased significantly as compared with those of CG .

    结果与CG组相比较,IG小鼠血清IFN-γ的水平及脾脏中各T细胞亚群的百分率均降低;而 CD4+/CD8+T细胞的 比例升高。

  • The CM + / CD8 + T cell ratio was tested by flow cytometry .

    流式细胞术检测免疫鼠脾细胞中CD4+和 CD8+T细胞的 比率

  • On the respective conditions of the E : T ratio as 5:1 and 20:1 the killing efficiency of NK cells on tumor cells was detected by 51Cr releasing assay .

    在效靶 E:T)分别为5:1和20:1的条件下,用51Cr释放实验检测NK对肿瘤细胞的杀伤效率,用K562细胞作为阳性细胞对照。

  • Results The results showed that E_2 / T ratio was obviously increased with the decrease of T in male patients while E_2 level was significantly decreased with the increase of T in female patients with high insulinemia and insulin resistance .

    结果发现男性患者E2升高, E2/T 比值显著增高;女性患者E2降低,E2/T显著降低,伴高胰岛素血症及胰岛素抵抗。

  • The relationship between INNER-EXPANSION values and wall formation amount & d / t ratio in three-roll cross rolling

    三辊斜轧钢管内扩值与管壁变形量和径 的关系

  • Objective : To evaluate serum free-PSA ( F-PSA ) total-PSA ( T-PSA ) and free / total ( F / T ) ratio as an indicator for diagnosis of prostate diseases .

    目的:探讨血清游离态PSA(F-PSA)和总PSA(T-PSA)及游离态/总( F/T)PSA 比值作为前列腺疾病诊断指标的价值。

  • The results of the experiment showed that foliar-spraying liquid seaweed extract could increase the R / T ratio of cucumber dry matter contents and the total uptake area and active uptake area of the roots .

    结果表明,叶面喷施海藻液肥能提高黄瓜 根冠 和干物质含量,提高根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积;

  • Effect of Pushboats with Large D / T Ratio of Propeller Diameter to Ship Draft on Ducted Propeller

    大直径 吃水 顶推船对船后导管桨性能的影响