


  • The major symptoms found in these newborns were recurrent fever frequent vomiting excessive crying tachypnea unexplained dehydration and acidosis hard to correct .

    主要症状为反复发热、频繁呕吐、哭吵、 呼吸 急促、不明原因及难以纠正的脱水酸中毒, 血气 分析提示有 代谢性酸中毒,多 性酸中毒;

  • The diagnostic criteria of ARDS were : ① tachypnea or even air hunger ;

    采用的ARDS诊断标准为:① 呼吸 困难甚至窘迫;

  • However many of the classic signs and symptoms of deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism including leg swelling tachycardia tachypnea and dyspnea may be associated with a normal pregnancy .

    然而,深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞的很多典型症状和体征,包括腿部肿胀、心动过速、 呼吸和呼吸困难,很可能与一次正常妊娠有关。

  • Their common clinical manifestations were cyanosis in labia oris and nail and associated with chest distress tachypnea and hypodynamia after slight physical activity as well as some apparently related signs and symptoms of right heart disfunction .

    其临床表现均有口唇、指甲轻~中度紫绀,并伴有胸闷 气促、乏力及明显右心功能不全的相关症状和体征。

  • Rapid pulse and tachypnea The symptoms were relieved after withdrawal from the ozone environment and anti-allergic treatment .

    经脱离臭氧环境和抗过敏 治疗后缓解。

  • Among the clinical presentation and signs frequently upper respiratory infection tachypnea cardiac murmur and pulmonary second heart sounds loudly were the most common .

    患儿的临床症状和体征中以频繁上呼吸道感染、 气促和心脏杂音、P2 亢进最为常见。

  • After measurement of airway pressure airway flow and esophageal pressure tachypnea was proved to be caused by ventilator auto triggering as a result of cardiogenic oscillation .

    在测量了呼吸道压力、道压力以及气流后, 病人 呼吸 急促 原因证实为心脏 震颤造成之呼吸器 自发性 驱动

  • Results 1.characteristics of the injury : the combined blast-anoxic injury was more severity than the blast injury the main characteristics of the injured rats were dysphoria tachypnea . Cyanosis was observed in BA ⅱ .

    结果:1.伤情特点:冲击伤-缺氧复合伤伤情较冲击伤重,伤后大鼠主要表现为烦躁不安, 呼吸 急促,BAⅡ组见明显口鼻紫绀。

  • The presence of fever along with cough tachypnea or an abnormal chest examination suggests lower tract disease and argues against proceeding in patients who present for elective surgery .

    有发热伴咳嗽、 气促 症状,或胸部检查异常,提示下呼吸道疾病时,择期手术的患儿 推迟手术。

  • Tachypnea is the most common sign .

    呼吸 频率 PTE最常见的体征。