


  • After the systematic investigation and study they came to a conclusion .

    经过 系统的调查研究,他们得出了结论。

  • Hadoop provides a systematic way to implement this programming paradigm .

    Hadoop提供了一种 系统的方法来实现这种程序设计范式。

  • Systematic projects include long-term consideration and project planning in the process of design and technology selection for the application .


  • The reliability problem is essential for computer network so the systematic research and analysis is needed .

    可靠性这个对于计算机网络来说至关重要的问题,更需要我们对其 进行 系统的研究和分析。

  • This requires far-reaching and systematic action .

    为此需要采取深远和 系统的行动。

  • This paper aims to make a systematic contrastive study of reduplication in Chinese and English .

    本文从汉英对比和翻译角度对汉英叠词进行了较 系统全面的研究。

  • Besides strengthen the scientific and systematic design of the system .

    其次,加强 推荐 免试 制度自身设计的科学性和 系统

  • Part of the difference is that grammar and vocabulary are systematic and structured & the letter of the language .

    部分不同是由于语法和词汇是 系统的和结构的&语言的文字。

  • To be effective and efficient planning for loss prevention should be systematic .

    为了有效和高效,对损失预防的策划应当是 系统的。

  • The industrialization of information analysis and prediction follows the commercialization of products which is a huge systematic project .

    信息分析与预测产业化从产品商品化开始,这是一个庞大的 系统工程。

  • They commenced a systematic search

    他们开始 进行 彻底搜查。

  • Observes or studies by close examination and systematic inquiry .

    通过近距离的考查和 系统的质询进行观察或研究。

  • Bernal has formed the system of politics of science by adopting the systematic method of analyzing history and society .

    可见,贝尔纳采用历史与社会 进行 系统分析的方法,构建了他的科学政治学体系。

  • The method of regional soil nutrient management was studied based on systematic cluster analysis .

    探讨了基于 系统聚类分析对大田小麦进行区域化土壤养分管理的方法。

  • This epistle is peculiar in this that it is a systematic exposition of the gospel of universal application .

    这奇特的书信是在这方面,它是一个 系统 阐述了福音普遍适用。

  • Geology is concerned with systematic study of rocks and minerals .

    地质学 系统 研究岩石和矿物。

  • This book is about systematic and methodical training .

    这本书是关于 系统和有规律的训练。

  • A software methodology is a systematic approach and control of how to develop software .

    软件方法是关于如何开发软件的 系统 方法和控制。

  • That the dish solar concentrator error effect to systematic power and efficiency have studied in this thesis .

    主要研究了点聚焦太阳能聚光器的误差对 系统的功率和效率的影响。

  • Systematic study of the RC circuit and the RL circuit transient process .


  • This is an outstanding guide that provides a systematic approach to implementing a Green Supply Chain .

    这是一个悬而未决的指南,提供了一个 系统的办法来实施绿色供应链。

  • This article introduces a systematic approach to performance testing and tuning the new ClearQuest Web7.1 architecture .

    本文介绍了性能测试及调试新RationalClearQuestWeb7.1架构的 系统 方法。

  • Systematic training is a term used describe a rational approach training and development .


  • They went about their business in a systematic way

    他们 按部就班 做生意。

  • The rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth .

    对于宗教及其影响和宗教真理本质的理性的和 系统的研究。

  • This paper gives a systematic analysis on the motion simulation content solving methods and actualizing approaches .

    本文 系统的分析了运动模拟的内容、求解方法和实施步骤。

  • They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot .

    他们没有发现任何证据证明 人企图 全面操纵投票。

  • This sensory test results on the impact of a systematic analysis of the factors .

    文章对影响感官检验结果的因素 进行系统的分析。

  • Therefore how to construct a set of comprehensive and systematic financial index system appears to be more important .

    因此,如何构建一套全面、 系统的财务分析指标体系就显得更为重要了。