table money

[ˈtebəl ˈmʌni][ˈteibl ˈmʌni]


  • But for poorer countries that jockey for position nearer the foot of the table money as well as pride is at stake .

    不过,对于那些在排行 排名靠底的穷国来说, 金钱与尊严都处于成败关头。

  • He said that : All options are on the table as to how the government will use that money and what it would demand from chip companies in exchange .

    他表示,关于政府将如何使用这笔 资金,以及会对芯片制造商提出什么要求,各项选择都 桌面

  • On the table lay money and notes and Dolohov was keeping the bank .

    桌子 摆着 金币和纸币,多洛霍夫正在分牌。

  • So we have to really bring something to the table – and it is not just money .

    所以我们的确必须带一些东西去 谈判&这不仅仅是 金钱

  • The silver cup on the table to the left is for putting money and the book is to record the names of the visitors and how much money they gave .

    桌子左边的银杯放 ,并且本子上会纪录来客的名字和他出的钱。

  • By making use of object - oriented view in this paper we introduce how to use chain table structure simulating developable process of business in depositing and drawing money in bank and so it solves the problem of utilizing effectively internal storage space .

    文章运用面向对象的观点阐明了如何利用 链表结构模拟银行存取 业务的动态过程,较好地解决了充分利用内存空间的问题。

  • Eddie went to his mother and put his cards on the table asking her for the money to buy a new guitar .

    埃迪去找他妈妈说明事实,向她 要钱买把新吉他。

  • Try sitting down at a table with three of them who are trying to take your money .

    所以,尝试着与另外三个想拿走你的 的具有竞争性的人一同坐下来,围成一

  • They had the pride that comes from giving their children a good education putting the right food on the table earning their own money and buying their self-respect .

    她们心中充满自豪,因为她们能够给子女提供良好的教育,能够保证家中有良好的 饮食,能够有自己的 经济收入并能够赢得自尊。

  • You could also buy stock from a company that 's being mentioned as a buyout victim with a deal already on the table . You 'll almost always make money this way because the deal is inevitably sweetened .

    你还可以 购买在被称作是可能成为并购牺牲品的公司,并且已经有一笔买卖在 的公司。

  • Sitting around a table with all of the kids dressed in suits Jimmy asked : America owes a lot of money to China $ 1.3 trillion .

    所有的孩子们都穿着西装,吉米也坐在 桌前,他问孩子们:美国欠中国一 大笔 ,1.3万亿美元。