table size

[ˈtebəl saɪz][ˈteibl saiz]


  • Characteristics ( table space type page size extent size ) of the table spaces used by the source and target tables must match .

    源表和目标表使用的表空间的特征( 空间类型、页面 大小、范围大小)必须匹配。

  • Both tables are stored in table spaces with a32-KB page size to maximize the performance analytical queries that read large numbers of rows .

    两个表均存储在页面 大小为32-KB的 空间中来最大化需要读取大量行的性能分析查询。

  • Putting the descriptive information in the fact table will increase the table size and slow down queries .

    将描述性信息包含在事实表中将会增加 大小并影响查询速度。

  • In the seismic research of large modern structures shaking table testing can only be carried out for small-scale models because of the limitations of the table size and loading capacity .

    在大型现代结构的抗震研究中,地震模拟振动台试验受 台面 尺寸和承载力限制,只能进行相似比很小的模型试验。

  • Automatic row-level compression & After reaching a predetermined table size DB2 creates a dictionary based on sampling and data .

    自动行级别压缩&当 大小到达预定 规模后,DB2会基于采样与数据创建目录。

  • A comparative study has been carried out on the control performances of the base isolation and the proposed roof isolation with resort to a seismic simulator ( i.e. shaking table ) with the size 4.0m × 4.0m in plane .

    通过使用平面 尺寸为4.0m×4.0m的地震模拟器即振动 ,对基础和屋顶隔震体系的控制性能进行了比较研究。

  • When considering a buffer pool for one or more table spaces you must ensure that the table space page size and the buffer pool page size are the same for all table spaces that the buffer pool services .

    当考虑将缓冲池用于一个或多个表空间时,必须保证 空间页 大小和缓冲池页面大小对于缓冲池所服务的所有表空间而言都是一样的。

  • Four the paper uses the orthogonal table analysis size change of beams and columns floor and structure length of super-long reinforced concrete framed structure of the temperature stress influence degree . According to these variables application the paper use right software to get the approximate formula .

    再次,利用正交试验 分析梁、柱、板和长度对超长钢筋混凝土框架结构温度应力的影响 大小程度,并根据这些变量应用合适的软件得出近似拟合公式。

  • The table size is too large . Reduce the number of rows or columns .

    表格 尺寸太大。请减小行数或列数。

  • This is also true with variable size fields such as text or blob where the table size can grow much larger than needed .

    文本或blob等可变大小字段也是如此,其中 大小的增长可以远超过需求。

  • By default 128 partitions are supported although you can change the partition table size if the partitioning software supports such changes .

    GPT默认支持128个分区,当然您也可以更改分区 大小,如果您的分区软件支持这种更改的话。

  • The following table gives the size of minibin for each datatype with a combination of resolution and number of fragments .

    给出了每种数据类型的迷你箱状图的 大小,同时还给出了解析率和片段数。

  • Table size is measured from bezel point to bezel point ; the average of four measurements is used .


  • Distributed computing the look-up table can replace the multiplication but with the order number increase the look-up table size also is met subsequently growth lookup tables grouping is undoubtedly the best choice .

    分布式中的查找表可以替代运算中的乘法运算,但是随着阶数的增加,查找 规模也会随之增长,查找表分组无疑是最佳选择。

  • A dictionary is only inserted into a table provided that the table is of a size equal to the ADC threshold and that a sufficient volume of data exists in the table when it reaches this threshold .

    只有当表的 大小等于ADC阈值时,才将字典插入到 中。

  • From the view of graph theory a method for dividing an internet topology into parts is proposed to reduce routing table 's size and computation amount .

    通过图论的方法,在现有的网络拓扑基础上实现对网络的自动分割,从而实现网络路由 存储量的 下降和路由计算量的降低。

  • Yet you may create more than one table per table space when the table size is small .

    然而在 尺寸较小时,您在每个表空间可以创建多个表。

  • You can expect to save quite a bit of space in a table of that size by not storing the very frequently repeated text fields but rather putting them once in a subdimension table .

    您可以选择通过不存储极其频繁重复的文本字段,而是将其一次性放置在一个子维度表中,节省该 大小 中的大量空间。

  • Technical Data based on sheet of dimensions above . The table size is too large . Reduce the number of rows or columns .

    技术数据表中的参数均以尺寸表中的尺寸为基础。 表格 尺寸太大。请减小行数或列数。

  • The load factor ( the ratio of the number of items in a hash table to its size ) is typically different in separate chaining than in open addressing .

    链地址法中的装填因子(数据项和哈希 容量的比值)与开放地址法的不同。

  • To see why imagine a situation where the table size is not a prime number .

    为了考察为什么会有这个限制,假设 容量不是质数。

  • Avg table size relative to the avg diameter reported to the nearest whole percentage point ( 1 % ) .

    平均 数表 大小相对的平均数,直径就近报告整个百分点(1%)。

  • The time-specific life table size structure and height structure of E. henryi were analyzed .

    对香果树种群进行统计,绘制 结构图和高度结构图、编制种群的特定时间生命

  • Table and tablespace size limits in DB2 are on a per partition basis .

    在DB2中, 和表空间的 大小限制是根据每个分区进行规定的。

  • With a table of moderate size the implementation needs only working-precision ( quad-precision ) arithmetics and are provably accurate to within 2.0 ulp .

    用工作精度(四倍精度)算术运算及适中的 存储使三角函数精确到 2.0ulp

  • Q : How do I calculate the table and index size for a partitioned table ( or any table for that matter )?

    Q:如何计算已分区表(或者任何相关的表)的 大小和索引 大小

  • Outdoor table and chairs made of metal plastic or wood . Table size can be specified .

    金属、塑料或木材制成的户外 桌椅。可以指定其 大小

  • Finally the simulation experiments and performance analysis evaluates the algorithm in reducing routing table size network traffic and time and improves the matching calculation efficiency and routing efficiency for content-based publish-subscribe . It also solves the problems that exist in the enterprise information integration .

    最后通过仿真实验和性能分析表明,以上算法和设计整体上可以提高发布订阅的路由效率,可以减少路由 大小、网络通信开销和时间开销并且一定程度上解决企业级的信息集成问题。

  • Results from experiments show that for a specified target table size deviation of the compressed table from the original one is fairly small by using this method .

    试验结果表明,在指定 大小的前提下,此压缩方法能在整体上得到相当小的偏差。