t function

[医] 统计系数于标准误差比率

  • Conclusions The occupational exposure to PAH resulted in increase of 1-OHP in urine and decrease of AgNOR in T lymphocytes . PAH exposure might lead to damage T lymphocytes function and AgNOR may be considered as a biomarker of effect for PAH exposure .

    结论职业多环芳烃暴露可导致尿1羟基芘水平上升和外周血T淋巴细胞AgNOR相对含量下降,提示多环芳烃暴露可损伤 T细胞免疫 功能,AgNOR有可能作为多环芳烃暴露的效应标志。

  • Both B and T cells function in the recognition of and response to antigenic stimulation .

    细胞和 T细胞 对对抗原刺激识别和反应。

  • They are the main component of thymic microenvironment and play important role on T lymphocyte differentiation and regulation T cell function .

    这些可溶性物质是构成胸腺微环境的主要因素,在 T细胞分化和发育成熟过程中起重要的调节 作用

  • Under physiological conditions T cell function in normal to maintain liver and even systemic immune balance .

    生理条件下, T细胞 功能正常,维持肝脏局部乃至全身免疫平衡。

  • Establishment of a method for measuring the HBsAg specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte function about inbred mice in vitro

    体外检测近交系小鼠HBsAg特异性细胞毒 T 淋巴细胞方法的建立

  • CONCLUSION rh EPO treatment in hemodialysis patients exerts its improving effect on immune function via the increment of circulating red blood cell count which directly influences . T lymphocyte function through combination of RBC LFA 3 with lymphocyte CD2 to enhance cytokine secretion .

    结论:rhEPO不是直接影响患者免疫功能,而是增加RBC数量,间接通过红细胞表面LFA3与淋巴细胞表面CD2受体直接结合,增加细胞因子的分泌,影响 T细胞 功能

  • The principle of DGS is detailed . Much simulation and research on non-asymmetric dumbbell-shaped and T quasi-elliptic function filter which is two of elliptic function characteristics of DGS is made with CST simulation software .

    论文详细阐述了DGS原理,应用CST仿真软件对具有椭圆函数特性的缺陷接地结构中的非对称哑铃型准椭圆函数和非对称 T型准椭圆 函数滤波器进行深入的仿真分析。

  • Effect of noradrenaline on T lymphocyte function in vitro

    去甲肾上腺素对培养 T细胞 功能作用的研究

  • Effects of b7 / cd28 costimulation on T cell function and cytokine pattern

    共刺激对 T细胞 功能和细胞因子格局的作用

  • The current optical character recognition ( OCR ) has the high efficiency of indentification for the handwriting and the printed texts but it hasn ′ t the function to analyse and recombine the mathematical expressions .

    当前的OCR(optical characterrecognition)系统对手写、打印文本都有很高的识别率,但是缺少对数学公式的结构进行分析及重组的 功能

  • Conclusion In diet with 1:1.5:3.7 of S : M : P T lymphocyte function of mice is suppressed when dietary n-6 / n-3 ratio approximates 1 which might be related to decrease in IL-2 . The fatty acid composition of lymphocyte is affected by diets in mice .

    结论膳食 S:M:P为1:1.5:3.7时,n-6/n-3比值为1时,小鼠 T淋巴细胞增殖活性受到抑制,其 作用可能与IL-2的降低有关;小鼠脾淋巴细胞的脂肪酸构成受膳食脂肪酸构成的影响。

  • Nowadays file - downloading is an import an t function in network application .

    在如今的网络应用中,文件的下载是 重要 功能之一。

  • Adaptive even-angle re-sampling is implemented by a filter which is constructed by pre-established over sampling rate interpolation sin c ( t ) function .

    用一个预先设定好的具有很高过采样率的内插sinc( t函数构成的滤波器实现了等角度自适应重采样,提高了自适应重采样的精度和阶比谱的信噪比。

  • CD4 + T lymphocyte function has been taken into consideration much more than before especially the immune function evaluation which is one of the hot topics in the study of HIV / AIDS prevention and control when the patients are treated by antiviral remedy .

    而目前对 CD4+T淋巴细胞 功能的研究已越来越受到重视,尤其是HIV感染者和艾滋病病人经抗病毒治疗后的免疫功能评估,已成为艾滋病防治研究的热点之一。

  • However although some reports have demonstrated that dopamine ( DA ) receptors exist in lymphocytes which DA receptor subtypes are on the T lymphocytes and what roles of the DA receptor subtypes in mediating the modulation of T cell function are less known .

    然而,尽管已有文献报道淋巴细胞上也存在多巴胺(dopamine,DA)受体,但关于T淋巴细胞上存在哪种亚型DA受体,以及这些受体在介导 T细胞 功能调节中的作用尚不十分清楚。

  • VaR Calculation of Portfolio Based on Multivariate Skewed Student t Copula Function

    基于多元 skst-Copula 函数的资产组合VaR计算

  • Objective : The effect of noradrenaline ( NA ) at various concentrations and different action times as well as adrenergic receptors on T lymphocyte function in vitro was investigated in order to know the regulatory role and mechanism of neurotransmitter NA on cellular immunity .

    目的:探讨去甲肾上腺素(NA)的不同浓度、不同作用时间及肾上腺素能受体对培养 T细胞 功能的影响,以了解神经递质NA对细胞免疫功能的调节作用及其机制。

  • School bears legal obligation to look after student and is supposed to function prudently If students were injury or had created injury to others due to school 's failure t function school should be charged with liability for tort but not liability of guardian .

    学校对在校学生负有 法定的管理 职责,必须以谨慎的注意行使该职责,如果学校因违反法定义务导致学生受到人身伤害或学生对他人构成伤害,则学校应承担侵权责任;

  • Conclusion : 1 . Chronic HBV immune clearance phase and immune tolerance were present period T lymphocyte function of the defect immune-tolerant phase in patients with cellular immune function is the lowest . 2 .

    结论:1.慢性HBV感染免疫清除期和免疫耐受期患者存在 T淋巴细胞 功能的缺陷,以免疫耐受期患者细胞免疫功能是最低的。

  • Objective : B7-H1 a member of B7 family of co-stimulatory molecules is involved in regulation of T cell function and cytokine secretion through the PD-1 / non-PD-1 receptor on T and B cells .

    目的:B7-H1是共刺激分子B7家族新成员之一,通过与T和B细胞表面的PD-1和非PD-1受体结合参与 T细胞 功能调节和细胞因子分泌。

  • Objective : To investigate the relationship between T cell function and changes in suppressor T cells ( Ts ) contra suppressor T cells ( Tcs ) activities after trauma .

    目的:研究创伤后 T细胞 功能与抑制性T细胞(Ts)及反抑制T细胞(Tcs)活性变化的关系。

  • We started with APC to study T cells function .

    我们从初期应答细胞APC入手,研究 T淋巴细胞激活的免疫 功能 变化

  • Effect of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Circulating T Lymphocyte Function in Patients with Cardiac Valve Replacement

    体外循环对瓣膜替换病人 T淋巴细胞免疫 功能的影响

  • Antibody class switching declines significantly once helper T cell function fails .

    抗体类别转换的跌幅明显一次辅助性 T细胞的 功能失败。

  • Non-classical HLA class ⅰ antigen HLA-G is an important immuno-regulator involving antigen presentation and interacting with particular receptors to regulate NK cell and T cell function .

    非经典HLAⅠ类分子(HLA-Ⅰb)HLA-G参与抗原递呈,通过相应受体调节NK细胞及 T淋巴细胞 功能,是一个重要的免疫调节分子。

  • Changes of the T cell function related markers in the peripheral blood of the children with infectious mononucleosis

    T细胞 功能相关性标志物在传染性单核细胞增多症患儿外周血中的变化

  • Relationship between T Cell function and changes in suppressor T cells and contra suppressor T cells activities after trauma

    创伤后 T细胞 功能与抑制性T细胞及反抑制T细胞活性变化的关系

  • Objective To study the effect of propolis on T lymphocyte function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ( COPD ) .

    目的通过观察蜂胶对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者 T淋巴细胞增殖及 分泌白细胞介素-2(IL-2)影响,为蜂胶对COPD的治疗提供理论依据。

  • Development of T Cell function in the thymus

    T细胞 功能在胸腺内的发育成熟

  • Effect of carrageenan-derived oligosaccharides on T cell function and subsets in irradiated mice

    卡拉胶寡糖对放射损伤小鼠 T细胞 功能和亚型的影响