


  • This paper presents an approach of CFN automatic tagging based on cascaded conditional random fields model .

    提出了一种基于层叠条件随机场的CFN自动 标注方法。

  • Sound Juicer is a CD ripping tool that features a clean interface and automatic tagging of files .

    是一个CD分离工具,它提供了一个整洁的界面和文件的自动 标注

  • How many of you are tagging ?

    你们中有多少人 使用 标签

  • It is also worth tagging on an extra day or two to see the capital

    为了看看首都,再多个 一两天也是值的

  • Is triggered by the tagging and untagging of resources .

    由资源的 标记和不标记而激发。

  • Show provides support for uploading encoding tagging viewing and commenting on videos .

    Video.Show提供了上传、编码、 标签、查看和在视频上评论的功能。

  • Fish individual tagging techniques as well as their advantages and disadvantages were reviewed in this paper .

    本文对鱼类 育种 实践中所采用的鱼类个体 标记方法及其优、缺点进行了综述。

  • Functions such as importing and tagging are designed to require minimum user-intervention .

    如导入和 标签功能,设计要求的最小用户干预。

  • Research of Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Mechanical Matching and Character Tagging

    基于机械切分和 标注的中文分词研究

  • Tag clustering is an important research topic in Social Tagging System mining .

    标签聚类是社会 标签数据挖掘中一个非常重要的研究课题。

  • Study on Japanese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging Based on Rules and Statistics

    基于规则和统计的日语分词和词性 标注的研究

  • Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers

    奥尔教授发明了用现有实验室激光 设备 化学分子做 记号的种种有趣的办法。

  • Transposon tagging is an effective method for plant gene cloning and isolation .

    转座子 标签 是克隆与分离植物基因的一项十分有效的方法。

  • Firstly tag 's meaning for user profile is proved and clustering algorithms based on social tagging from the aspects of users resources and tags are discussed .

    首先是明确了标签对于用户模型的意义,接着,从用户、资源和标签三个角度对基于社会 标注的聚类算法进行了讨论。

  • The term for this internal tagging of response and request data is data correlation .

    这个响应和请求数据的内部 标签的条件是数据相关性。

  • Web services for retrieving video catalogs tagging and favorites .

    为获取视频目录、 标签和收藏夹提供了WebService。

  • It requires multi-way joins and the generation of proper XML tagging .

    它需要以多路方式加入和生成合适的XML 标签

  • Pierre and Steve are an odd enough couple by themselves even without my tagging along .

    而且即使没我,皮埃尔和 斯蒂夫已是一对够古怪的搭档了。

  • To create a VLAN with VLAN tagging predefined commands are present on icb-tivsam icb-nfs and icb-itm .

    为了使用VLAN 标记创建一个VLAN,icb-tivsam、icb-nfs和icb-itm提供了一些预定义命令。

  • This is the first example of transposon tagging in rice .

    本文是水稻中第一个转座子 标签的例子。

  • The structure of your page is the HTML and XHTML tagging .

    页面结构就是HTML和XHTML 标记

  • Research on Improvements of Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging System Based on Statistical Model

    基于统计模型的汉语词性 标注系统的改进方法研究

  • SGML was created for organizing and tagging documents .

    SGML的创建是为了组织和 标记文档。

  • After tagging you have added all new strings to the glossary database .

    完成 标记后,便将所有新的字符串添加到了词汇表数据库中。

  • This paper describes a method of uigur part-of-speech tagging with third-order Hidden Markov Model .

    本文提出了将三阶隐马尔可夫模型运用到维吾尔语词性 标注中的方法。

  • The tagging of Mongolian phrases is the further study with Mongolian corpus linguistics .

    蒙古语短语 标注是蒙古语语料库语言学研究的进一步深化。

  • Our recollection of past events can be coloured by our emotional response to them ( emotional tagging ) .

    我们对往事的回忆会受到我们对其情感反应的影响&情感 标签(emotional tagging)。

  • Social media system mainly includes broadcast system tagging system and search system .

    社会媒体系统主要包括播放系统、 标记系统和搜索系统。

  • We were tagging sharks to study their movements .

    我们在 鲨鱼系上标牌以便研究它们的活动情况。

  • Concepts of Web2.0 like wikis tagging folksonomy and Blogging are all supported in this suite .

    Web2.0的概念(如Wiki、 标签、大众分类法和Blogging)在此套件中全部受支持。