tails up


  • The party really have their tails up since their surprising election victory .

    这个党的党员在选举中意外获胜以来,真是 得意洋洋

  • The cows swish their tails beneath them on hot afternoons ; they paint rivers so green that when a moorhen dives one expects to see its feathers all green when it comes up again .

    炎热的午后,母牛在树下挥动着 尾巴;树木把小河点染得这样翠绿一片,让你觉得那只一头扎进水里去的雌红松鸡,应该带着绿色的羽毛冒 水面来。

  • We will use metal tails to pin up the outside .

    我们会用金属 加固外面 包装

  • Great whites are torpedo-shaped with powerful tails that can propel them through the water at up to15 miles ( 24 kilometers ) per hour .

    大白鲨是鱼雷外形和强有力的 尾巴这能推进它们穿越水域 直到每小时15英里(24公里)。

  • When confronted by a rattlesnake squirrels ' tails heat up getting hotter by almost four degrees Fahrenheit .

    当遇到响尾蛇时,松鼠的 尾巴会变热,温度 上升大约4度(华氏)。

  • I hope all our comrades and veteran comrades most of all will so to speak tuck their tails between their legs rather than stick them up guard against conceit and rashness always remain modest and keep forging ahead .

    我希望,我们所有的同志,首先是老同志,不要 尾巴,而要夹紧 尾巴,戒骄戒躁,永远保持谦虚进取的精神。

  • Having won the president cup the team got their tails up for the final of the League championship .

    赢得总统杯以后,球队满怀 信心地迎接联赛的冠 亚军决赛。

  • In a way the situation eerily reminiscent to the heads I win ; tails you lose mentality that was so pervasive on Wall Street in the years leading up to the financial crisis .

    某种程度上,这种情形诡异地让人回想起金融危机 爆发之前那几年华尔街极为盛行的“正面,我赢; 反面,你输”心态。

  • These oversized furry cats with a masterful sense of smell and long bushy tails then digest the cherries for up to 72 hours before defecating them out in fir-conesque cylinders .

    这些嗅觉灵敏、浓毛 长尾的特大号猫,消化浆果的时间最长要 达到72小时,然后将其排进冷杉球果状的圆柱体里面。

  • Their tails leave arcs of light as plankton glow in the waves . A school of minnows rises up flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation .

    它们的 尾巴画出一道光弧,浮游生物在海浪中闪闪发亮,一群小鱼趁势而 ,在月色下闪耀着银白色的光辉,犹如一座新生的星群。