take a shoot

[tek e ʃut][teik ə ʃu:t]


  • It will take a lot of skill to shoot into that narrow opening where the enemy are hiding .

    子弹 射入敌人隐藏的那个狭窄空隙 需要 高的技术。

  • I take a shoot of whiskey .


  • You can take photos and make a photo album shoot a video or share your adventures on social media . Play a game like Truth or Dare to pour out your feelings and clear up misunderstandings with your classmates .

    照片、做相簿、 视频,或者在社交媒体上分享你的旅行故事。 借此机会,和你的童鞋们玩儿一次真心话大冒险,让大家了解你的想法,也可以消除曾经的误解。