take after

[tek ˈæftɚ][teik ˈɑ:ftə]


  • My son looks as though he 's going to take after me because he 's started go already .

    我儿子看来好像 跟上我了,因为他已经开始下围棋。

  • What route does HIV take after it enters the body to destroy the immune system ?

    艾滋病病毒 侵入人体 通过什么途径摧毁免疫系统? 艾滋病病毒通过性接触传播时,病毒必须穿过组织屏障进入人体。

  • I take exercise after class everyday .

    每天放学 运动。

  • Peter doesn 't seem to take after either of his parents ; the person he resembles most is his uncle John .

    彼得长得似乎不 他的父母亲,而最象他的叔叔约翰。

  • You really take after your mother .

    你长得真 你母亲。

  • People usually say I take after my father on a large scale .

    大家都说,我 很大程度上像我爸爸。

  • To my surprise Jack does not take after his father at all .

    令我惊奇的是,杰克和他爸爸 一点儿也不像。

  • Ted 's always been difficult Mr Kemp — he takes after his dad .

    肯普先生,特德一直很难相处—— 他爸。

  • Where should we take it after we get it back ?

    在我们 找到我们该把它送到哪里?

  • I take after my mother 's family .

    比较 母亲家族的人。

  • Describes how the Package Migration Wizard migrates connections and explains the steps that you can take after migration to edit connection properties .

    介绍包迁移向导如何迁移连接,以及迁移 用于编辑连接属性的步骤。

  • He is going to take after his brother and join the army .

    他哥哥的 榜样,也去参军。

  • Uncle Liu said I must try to take after my parents who were honest hardworking people .

    刘大爷说我应当 我父母那样,他们都是诚实勤劳的人。

  • You take after your father.2.She looks just like her mother .

    你长 你父亲。2。她长得像她母亲。

  • What route does HIV take after it enters the body to destroy the immune system When HIV is transmitted sexually the virus must cross a tissue barrier to enter the body .

    当艾滋病病毒 通过性接触传播时,病毒必须穿过组织屏障 进入人体。

  • The twins take after their mother .

    这对 双胞胎和她们的父母很

  • You must take after the best example .

    你应该 学习最好的 榜样

  • With her light hair and blue eyes she seems to take after her mother but in her character she is more like her father .

    她的金发 碧眼似乎 遗传 她母亲,但是个性方面就像她父亲。

  • Alice : I guess I take after my dad .

    我想我 遗传 我老爸。

  • I guess we take after each other .

    我想是我们互相 学习 结果

  • Supervisor by brush of a long handle was taken out inside the box take after touching water in recent closestool go then scrub mirror begins before the mirror .

    舍监由盒内拿出了一把长柄刷子, 拿到最近的马桶里沾水 ,接着走到镜子前面开始刷洗镜子。

  • There are several steps you need to take after your installation is complete to make sure Snort is running on your system and is behaving properly .

    在完成安装 之后,您需要 采取几个步骤,确保Snort可在系统上正常运行。

  • The children take after their father in his way of speaking .

    这些孩子说话时 的样子 活像他们的父亲。

  • But who does he take after to be so stupid ?

    不过他 谁一样那么笨?

  • Every day we have activities which take place after class .

    每天 课后,我们安排一些活动。

  • Should take after the bus not to vie with each other not Bicheng bit crowded .

    乘坐公共汽车应先下 上,勿争先恐后,勿挤逼抢位。

  • Try to take after your parents who are honest and hardworking people .


  • Arlene seems to take after her grandmother more than her mother .

    阿琳似乎 祖母不太像母亲。