




  • You can tailor the login and logout behavior .

    您可以 定制登录和注销行为。

  • We can tailor our design to meet your request .

    我们能 调整我们的设计以满足你的要求。

  • The tailor took my measure for a new suit .

    裁缝 了我的尺寸准备为我做套新衣服。

  • You can tailor the computer to your specific needs .

    你可以 剪裁计算机根据你的具体需要。

  • I asked the tailor to take in my dress a little .

    我要求 裁缝 将我的衣服改小一点。

  • I got your pants back from the tailor .

    我从 裁缝那把你的裤子拿回来了。

  • You can tailor the cabinets to the exact specifications and needs of your kitchen .

    你可以在柜 的确切需要你们的规格和厨房。

  • That tailor does fine work .

    那个 裁缝的手工很精。

  • He had the old tailor make a new coat for him .

    他请那们老 裁缝 师傅给他做了一件新上衣。

  • The tailor has butchered my suit .


  • He asked the tailor to make over his trousers .

    他叫 裁缝 修改了一下他的裤子。

  • This is a quick way to have a form that you can edit and tailor according to your requirements .

    这就是快速构建一个可以根据您的需求编辑和 调整的表单的方法。

  • The tailor has butchered this suit .


  • That tailor is very skilful .

    那个 裁缝的手艺很好。

  • The tailor is measuring my waist .


  • The tailor made a coat for me .

    裁缝 依照我的 尺寸为我做了一件上衣。

  • Business took up much of the tailor 's time .

    生意占据了 裁缝的大部分时间。

  • I bought this suit at a tailor 's in the street the name of which I have forgotten .

    我在那条街上的一家 服装店里买到这套西装,这家 服装 的名字我忘了。

  • I am going to the tailor 's to fit on my new coat .

    我要去 裁缝 试穿新外衣。

  • I know a good tailor White by name .

    我认识个名叫怀特的好 裁缝

  • I owe & 50 to my tailor .

    我欠我的 裁缝50镑。

  • The tailor carefully examined the cloth before starting to cut out the garment .


  • This is my mother . She 's a tailor .

    这是我妈妈。她是一名 裁缝

  • I was put in the tailor shop and I loved it . I was promoted to overseer .

    我被安排到 缝纫车间,结果我很喜欢这项工作,后来还晋升为工头。

  • The tailor says your suit is ready .


  • He established himeself as a tailor .

    他以做 裁缝为业。

  • We can tailor the program to the patient 's needs .

    我们可以 根据病人的需要 调整治疗方案。

  • The tailor measured me for a suit .

    裁缝给我量了做套装的 尺寸

  • The tailor shortened the ( sleeves ) of his shirt .

    裁缝 他衬衫的袖子改短了。