take a chance

[tek e tʃæns][teik ə tʃɑ:ns]


  • He finally chose to take a chance instead of playing it safe .

    他最终选择了 冒险 ,而不是安全求稳。参考答案。

  • I thought I 'd take a chance .


  • Whywould you take a chance on exposing us ?

    你为什么要 机会给我们暴光?

  • We will take a chance to have the party outdoor .

    我们将 冒险举行露天聚会。

  • I don 't know whether we have enough money to last the whole holiday as we have planned but I 'm prepared to take a chance on it .

    我不知道我们是否有足够的钱按计划度完整个假期,可是我准备 冒险那样做了。

  • ' You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK . ' — ' So what ? '

    “如果到英国度假,天气好不好得要 运气。”——“那又如何?”

  • I can 't take a chance that they 're right .

    我们不能 冒险 万一他们是对的。

  • Don 't take a chance to cheat in the exam .

    在考试中,不要 冒险作弊。

  • I 'll make a wish Take a chance Make a change .

    我会 许愿,我 把握 机会,我会做出改变。

  • That 's why I have decided to take a chance through the Internet .

    这就是为什么我已决定 机会通过互联网。

  • I might go and take a chance with it .

    我很可能会去 抓住 这次 机会的。

  • We 'll take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors .

    我们将 天气不 危险举行露天晚会。

  • That wasn 't my fight that was yours . I could take a chance .

    那不是我的枪战,而是你的,我可以 运气

  • People who are willing to take a chance and find new solutions .

    硅谷人 乐于 冒险,也愿意寻找新的问题解决方式。

  • The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance .

    重要的并不是害怕 冒险

  • However your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance .

    不过,你的介绍资料,真的以我的话,我决定 采取 机会

  • He decided to take a chance .

    他决定 冒险

  • You should have some contacts who respect you enough personally to take a chance on your new business .

    你应该拥有一些个人方面足够尊重你的联络人来 你的新企业 机会

  • Well we 're going to have to take a chance .

    那,我们一定 冒险了。

  • Come on and take a chance * You may lose but it 's worth trying .

    来, 冒险 ,也许你会失败,但值得尝试。

  • Anyhow he had to take a chance .

    无论如何,他 只能 孤注一掷了。

  • We will take a chance with the weather and go for a picnic .

    我们 怀 天气 可能会好的侥幸心情去野餐。

  • Sometimes I think I 'd like to take a chance .

    有时候我想我想 借此 机会

  • You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK

    在英国度假,只有 天气

  • I 'm afraid to take a chance with beginners .

    我害怕和新手 一起 冒险

  • Nobody 's gonna want to take a chance on a doper .

    没人会对一个 禁药的人。

  • I think we need to take a chance on him .

    我觉得我们 给他 机会

  • Harold has lost a lot of money so he wants to take a chance on stock exchange .

    海洛得丢了很多钱,因此他想在股票上 运气

  • We decided to take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors .

    我们决定与老天爷 ,在户外聚会。

  • You have to take a chance !

    你只能 运气