


v.裁制( tailor的过去式和过去分词 )调整使适应

  • An agency 's regulatory techniques and decision-making procedures can also be tailored to meet the problem at hand .

    机关也可 变通其管理方法和决策程序以解决手边的问题。

  • It also shows you how to create different build parameter files and deployable packages tailored for different target environments .

    还展示如何为不同的目标环境 量身定制不同的构建参数文件和可部署程序包。

  • Access to the data is provided through graphical and textual user interfaces tailored to particular types of data .

    对数据的访问是通过对特定类型数据的 定制的图形用户界面和文本用户界面 提供的。

  • Other countries have tailored so-called nat cat systems to suit their circumstances .

    其它国家已经 设置了所谓的“自然灾害”(natcat)系统,以适应自己的环境。

  • In it you will have links to the tailored process .

    在站点上你可以链接到 裁剪的过程上。

  • Checkoff programs are industry-funded research and promotions programs tailored to a specific commodity .

    核对计划是 针对特定商品的行业资助的研究和促销方案。

  • I have completely tailored myself to the new life .

    我已经完全 适应了新的生活。

  • It is allowed that standard process can be tailored to suit a specific project .

    不同的项目有 不同 需求,允许对标准过程进行 裁剪来适合一个特定的项目。

  • Role-Based BI – Analytic outputs are tailored to the needs and interests of specific audiences .

    基于角色的BI–分析产出 适应的需要和利益的具体对象。

  • Our core business is sales and sales management skills tailored programs professional trainers and training management development .

    我们的核心业务是销售技能和销售管理 系列课程 量身定做,专业培训师及培训管理者发展。

  • All our courses are tailored to our student 's specific needs and level of language skill .

    我们的课程都 根据学生的特殊需求和语言水平 量身订做

  • Its unified architecture can be tailored to the unique requirements of specific industries and companies .

    它的一体化的构架可以 根据具体的行业和公司的特殊要求进行 裁剪

  • System software tailored to a particular user 's need .

    为特定用户的需要 剪裁的系统软件。

  • This is solved by giving people specific RUP training tailored to their development case .

    这各问题可以通过给人们具体的RUP培训, 按照开发案例来 剪裁来解决。

  • Start with your existing tailored version of RUP for larger projects as your most robust and structured version .

    首先将您已经存在的用于较大型项目的被 裁减过的RUP版本作为您最强大和结构化的版本。

  • Luxury goods manufacturers have long tailored products from cars to jeans for affluent Chinese consumers .

    奢侈品生产商很早就开始为富裕的中国消费者们 定制从汽车到牛仔裤的一系列产品了。

  • He tailored me a tweed suit .


  • All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme .

    每位新人都有 量身定制的培训和发展计划。

  • Her suit was so well tailored that it accentuated her graceful figure .

    她的衣服非常 合体,显出了她那优美的曲线。

  • The suit was well tailored .

    这套衣服 得很好。

  • Researchers say specially tailored games could help manage weight problems and cerebral palsy .

    研究人员表示特别 量身定制的游戏可以帮助控制体重问题和脑瘫。

  • In practice the framework is tailored to either a specific product or set of products .

    在实践中,框架被 裁剪 一个特定产品或产品集。

  • We have new approaches tailored to the epidemiological situation and operational challenges in each of the four remaining countries .

    我们有 专门 适合四个剩余国家各自的流行病学情况和业务挑战的新措施。

  • They must provide documentation and support tailored to the needs language and culture of local users .

    它们必须提供按照当地用户的需求、语言和文化 定制的文档与支持。

  • This provides a rich and tailored vocabulary for the technical team & for both verbal and modeling communication .

    这为技术团队提供了丰富且 简明的词汇&用于口头和建模交流。

  • All projects within the organization use the same software process tailored to their specific needs .

    组织内的所有项目都使用相同的软件流程(此软件流程是根据其特定需要 定制的)。

  • We can help to work out a travel plan tailored to your needs and budget .

    我们可以帮 设计一个 适合您的要求和预算的旅行方案。

  • The method plug-in will gather all the additional and customized material created for the tailored RUP framework .

    这一方法插件将会收集所有 针对 裁减的RUP框架创建的附加的、自定义的元素。

  • These techniques can be easily expanded using additional enhancements and technologies tailored for your particular situation .

    使用为您的特定情境 定制的附加增强和技术,很容易对这些方法进行扩展。

  • They may give a30-second commercial which shows their skills being tailored to the job needs .

    他们可能会给出一个30秒的广告来显示他们所具备的技术简直是为这份工作 度身定做的。