


  • FullwayPaper Packaging products are the ideal substitute for Woodiness and Froth Polystyrene packaging materials .

    丰惠纸质包装材料产品是 木质和发泡聚苯乙烯包装材料最理想的替代品。

  • Capsule is big woodiness long wrap around needle form compressed 2 valve are cracked diaphragmatic woodiness compressed .

    蒴果大, 木质,长披针形,扁平,2瓣裂,隔膜木质,扁平。

  • Study on environment utilization of the woodiness climber resources in North China

    环境治理中的北方 木质藤本植物资源

  • Objective To explore the effects of environmental factors such as temperature relative humidity and ventilation rate on release quantity of formaldehyde in woodiness boards .

    目的研究温度、相对湿度、空气交换率等环境条件对 木质板材甲醛释放的影响。

  • The woodiness active carbon is better for the removal of COD in bittern at low temperature (≤ 20 ℃) while its removing rate of COD and turbidity is evidently lower than that of coaly active carbon at normal temperature ( 28 ~ 45 ℃) .


  • Studies of Resource and Layout of Virescence Woodiness Liana on the Slope Sides of Roads in Fujian Province

    福建省道路边坡绿化 木质藤本植物资源与配置研究

  • Postharvest physiology involved in the changes of fruit respiratory rate ethylene production cell membrane permeability the main nutritional ingredient and fruit firmness and the occurrence of flesh woodiness for cold-stored loquat fruit .

    综述枇杷果实采后生理,涉及果实呼吸速率、乙烯产生、细胞膜透性、主要营养成分构成、果实硬度变化及冷藏果实果肉 木质化发生;

  • Thickness of seed coat obviously added middle seed coat was growed into woodiness fiber structure during the during developmental process . 3 .

    南京椴种子发育过程中,种皮厚度明显增加,种皮中间层分化为 木质 纤维结构。

  • Ceramic lamp metal lamps glass lamp woodiness candlestick lamp with beautiful model and wealthy adornment made the ancient China lamps enter into a new peak in the history .

    陶瓷灯、金属灯、玻璃灯、 木质烛台灯造型优美,装饰富丽,使中国古代灯具达到历史上的新高峰。

  • The Growth Course and Climbing Characteristics of a Few Kind of Woodiness Liana

    几种 木质藤本植物的生长进程研究

  • The woodiness crept upward and by degrees invested her body .

    invest大家知道 invest是“投资”的 意思那么 这里The woodinesscreptupwardandbydegreesinvestedherbody可以翻译成“ 木质的东西逐渐向上爬投资了她的身体”吗?

  • Plant fibers such as bamboo fibers sisal fibers fibers of straw and woodiness materials play important roles in composites . The chemical composition and the structures of plant fibers were introduced and preparation methods and research achievements were summarized .

    分别阐述了竹纤维、剑麻纤维、秸秆纤维及 木质材料中的纤维的化学组成及结构,以及其增强复合材料的制备方法、研究现状及研究成果。

  • Objective To understand the emission rate and the attenuation rule of formaldehyde in the artificial woodiness boards for sell in China and to study the efficiency of formaldehyde-eliminator .

    目的了解目前市售 木质人造板甲醛的释放量,研究不同板材甲醛的衰减规律以及甲醛消除剂的效果。

  • Changes of Cell Wall Substances in Relation to Flesh Woodiness in Cold stored Loquat Fruits

    枇杷冷藏过程中果肉 木质 与细胞壁物质变化的关系

  • In order to alleviate the contradiction between the forestry resources shortage with the people increasingly strong demand of woodiness product this paper attempts to widely wood waste resources as raw material through moulding compound means manufacture Woodiness corrugated board .

    为缓解林业资源日益匮乏与人们对 木质品日益旺盛需求之间的矛盾,本文尝试以来源广泛的木质废弃资源为原料,通过模压、复合等手段制备木质瓦楞复合板。

  • The plain coloured and mensal cloth of blue white alternate with art small bowl of things collocation woodiness and tray are very harmonious .

    蓝白相间的素色餐桌布艺用品搭配 木质小碗和托盘十分和谐。

  • Cyclovirobuxine texture meticulous woodiness ground tenacity color have similar features of ivory .

    黄杨 木质地坚韧,纹理缜密,色泽温润,有近似象牙的特征。

  • But the way of making the best of disuse of woodiness is machining to wood-plastic composite ( WPC ) mixing with resin or plastic .

    但是现在充分利用废弃 木材 资源的方法是与树脂或塑料共混,加工成木材-塑料复合材料( WPC)。

  • Changes in active oxygen and polyamine metabolism and their relation to flesh woodiness development in SO 2 treated cold stored loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl . cv . Dahongpao ) fruits were investigated .

    以大红袍枇杷果实为试材,研究了SO2处理对冷藏枇杷果实活性氧代谢和内源多胺含量变化的影响及与果实 木质 败坏的关系。

  • Woodiness materials is prepared to thermoplastic through chemical modification which can easy machining and has biodegradability ;


  • The raw material of the Compound Wood is Woodiness fiber and Plastic and can be recycled and reused . Its synthesis performance is very good .

    木塑产品的原料是木纤维和塑料, 产品100%收再利用,综合性能 价格比较高。

  • Influence of Environmental Factors on Release Quantity of Formaldehyde in Woodiness Boards

    环境因素对 木质板材甲醛释放量的影响

  • For example subjacent device can store the drawer that the thing uses the woodiness mesa after two-phase superposition also can regard as the table is used .

    例如在下方装置了可储存东西用的抽屉,两相叠合后的 木质台面也可以当作桌子使用。