


  • A hare-lipped monkey is an anomaly . short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock .

    豁嘴的猴子是异常的东西。东半球短腿、长嘴、迁移 丘鹬

  • Findings from these studies could lead to the FDA requiring genetic tests to determine risk before the drug is prescribed Woodcock added .

    这些研究的结果,有可能使FDA要求 医生开具药物之前,对 患者进行 有关遗传学测试以确定其用药危险性。

  • Short-legged long-billed migratory old world woodcock .

    东半球短腿、长嘴、迁移 丘鹬

  • This product is important in that it offers a new approach to the treatment of patients with an uncommon blood disorder who are often very ill said Janet Woodcock M.

    这是个非常重要的产品,因为它提供了一种新的方法来治疗一种罕见的血液 紊乱,而这些患者往往病得很重。

  • Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach .


  • Short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock . Oriental immigration ( S.I. Hayakawa )

    东半球短腿、长嘴、迁移 丘鹬。向东方国家迁移(S.I.早川一会)

  • Leonard Woodcock director of the liaison office of the United States to China played a very important role in Sino-America negotiation in Jimmy Carter 's presidency .

    卡特时期美国驻华联络处主任 伍德科克在中美建交谈判中发挥了重要作用。

  • I went and had a look it was a woodcock which was dead already .

    我走去看看,看见一只已死的 丘鹬

  • Small long-billed American woodcock ; prized as a game bird .

    美洲小型长嘴 丘鹬;珍贵的猎禽。