task variable

[tæsk ˈvɛriəbəl][tɑ:sk ˈvɛəriəbl]


  • The effort that insurance agent dedicates to the task is divided into three parts for further consideration and the incentive mechanism on the state of the world of a random variable following Poisson distribution and normal distribution is separately discussed .

    将保险代理人的努力细化为三种,分别对 外生随机 变量服从泊松分布和正态分布两种情况下的激励机制进行讨论。

  • The above module showed how to add people resolution to your human task using expressions and multiple input values which uses a business object variable with array inputs .

    上述模块显示了如何使用表达式和多个输入值添加人员解析到您的人工 任务,使用一个含有数组输入的业务对象 变量

  • To access multiple local files the FTP task must use a variable to provide the path information .

    若要访问多个本地文件,ftp 任务必须使用 变量来提供路径信息。

  • Task goal is an effective predicted variable of all dimensions of personality characteristic Performance - avoidance orientation is also an effective predicted variable of the extroversion-introversion and neuroticism of teacher .

    任务目标是人格特征各维度的有效预测 变量,成绩&回避定向是教师内外向和神经质的有效预测变量。

  • Task design variables include task input task condition and task outcome varia-bles and each variable still includes some design factors .

    任务设计变量包括任务输入变量、任务条件变量和 任务结果变量,每个 变量又包含一些 任务设计因素。

  • When using task possible start time as decision variable of Space TT C System optimal scheduling additional constraint is imposed on TT C task execution time .

    由于用 任务可能开始时刻作为航天测控优化调度的决策 变量时,人为地对测控任务执行时间增加了约束。

  • Routing protocol is the most challenge task in Ad hoc network because of its rapid variable topology .

    因其 易变的网络拓扑结构,自组网中最具挑战性的 任务便是路由协议算法。

  • In this case we define a variable newTask that we initialize with a new Task entity instance .

    在这种情况下,我们定义了 变量newTask,并使用新建的 Task实体实例对其进行初始化。

  • Now that a task file has been modified to include the variable substitution notation required for this scenario you can define the resource monitor .

    现在 任务文件已经修改为包含本场景需要的 变量替代标记,下一步是定义资源监控器。

  • A Cheat Sheet is a program that helps you accomplish a complex task that involves a variable series of subtasks .

    CheatSheet是一个程序,它可以帮助您完成涉及一系列 不同子任务的复杂 任务

  • Making this task easy helps ensure that method variable and class names indicate their intent clearly .

    简化这一 任务有助于确保方法、 变量和类的名称能够清晰地指示其用途。

  • Previous research showed that group effectiveness was influenced by many factors including individual characteristics organizational context task property and group process etc. And group process was considered as the mediator and / or moderator variable to group effectiveness .

    以往研究表明群体有效性受到各种因素影响,包括个体特征、组织背景、 任务特点和群体 过程等。

  • The characteristics of using task possible start time as decision variable of Space TT & C System optimal scheduling is discussed .

    论述了以 任务可能开始时刻作为航天测控优化调度决策 变量的特点。

  • It is a tough task to pick up the valuable information from the variable data for further decision analysis because of the data comes from different data base which have different structure and storage style .

    面对来自不同数据库、不同结构类型、不同存储形式的海量数据,如何从中提取有价值的信息 知识,进而应用于统计和决策分析,是一项非常艰巨的 任务

  • Use interest rate as a major variable to realize profit fine management ; The main task of the paper is to control a Major Variable Pitch Wind Turbine Generator with intelligent controller so as to make it run well .

    以利率为主要变量,实施收益精细化经营;本 论文是用智能控制器来实现大型 桨距风力发电机的电控系统。

  • So the task duration is not a single real number rather it is a random variable that describes the likelihood of completion within a certain range of time .

    所以 任务持续时间不是一个单一的实数,而是描述一定时间范围内完成的可能性的随机 变量

  • Incorrect message type value received ! Message Queue Task only accepts global variable message string message and data file message .

    接收到不正确的消息类型值!消息队列 任务只接受全局 变量消息、字符串消息和数据文件消息。

  • However this project work range and the relationship between complex engineering emergency short time limit task and unknown variable factors is various certainly will increase the project risk and technical difficulties .

    然而,这种项目的工作范围大而且相互之间的关系复杂,工程紧急,工期短, 任务 ,而且未知的 可变的因素繁多,势必增加了该项目的风险性和技术难度。

  • If no output is provided for an invoke or human task activity the process variable is not updated .

    如果没有为调用活动或人工 任务活动提供任何输出,则不会更新流程 变量

  • Based on using task possible start time as decision variable to formally describe all kinds of hard constraints and objective function the Space TT & C System optimal scheduling 0-1 integral programming model is constructed .

    任务可能开始时刻作为决策 变量分别对各种类型硬约束和目标函数进行了形式化描述,建立了航天测控优化调度0-1整数规划模型。

  • In predicting task performance the active social behaviors are not significant . 4 Active social behavior can be a mediator variable in the impact of the organization socialization tactics on the work performance .

    在预测 任务绩效时,主动社会化行为的各因素的预测作用都不显著。4、主动社会化行为可以组为组织社会化策略与工作绩效的中介 变量

  • This scenario shows how you can transform a static task file into dynamic file transfers using the variable substitution function available in the resource monitor .

    这个场景展示如何使用资源监控器提供的 变量替代功能将一个静态 任务文件转换为多个动态文件传输 任务

  • The main task of this dissertation is to study the dynamic modeling simulation and software implementation in multibody systems with variable topology .

    本文的主要 工作是围绕 拓扑多体系统的动力学建模、仿真计算与软件实现展开的。