task partitioning

[计] 任务划分

  • After that the preliminary design of CMC software is discussed which makes an exhaustive study on requirement analysis software architecture design task partitioning task scheduling task priority allocation intertask communication mechanism and watch dog timer .

    接着,进行了软件的概要设计,从需求分析、软件架构设计、 任务 划分、任务调度、任务优先级确定、任务间通信机制、看门狗机制等几个方面进行了详细阐述。

  • If there are tasks that may stay in a critical section for a long period in a system the task partitioning strategy may improve / the probability of a higher priority task passing the schedulability test .

    对于系统中部分 任务会长时间占用共享资源的情况,采用这种 分割策略可以有效的改善高优先级任务通过可调度测试的可能性。

  • On Task Partitioning in Automatic Parallelization

    程序自动并行化过程中的 任务 划分

  • More advanced developers can benefit from the discussions relating to rule task partitioning for efficiency and how rules can be used as part of a hybrid approach which has broader applicability in other constraint satisfaction problems .

    对于级别更高的开发人员,本文将讨论如何为了提高效率而进行规则 任务 划分,如何使用规则作为混合方法的一部分,以及哪些规则在其他约束满足问题上具有更广泛的适应性。

  • Because the task partitioning follows the non intersection principle of data partitioning the direct merging of sub task execution results are equivalent to those without task partitioning .

    由于在 任务 分解时遵循了数据分解的不相交原则,所以执行结果的直接合并与任务分解前的执行结果是等价的。

  • The PFP-growth distributes the task fairly among the parallel processors . Partitioning strategies are devised at different stages of the mining process to achieve balance between processors and new data structures are adopted to reduce the information transportation between processor .

    PFP-growth算法将挖掘 任务均匀地分布在并行处理机上,在挖掘过程中采用一定 划分策略以获得处理机间的 任务平衡,并采用适当的数据结构减少并行处理机间数据通信量。

  • When using the data partitioning method of task partitioning we first estimate the nodes ' computing power according to the obtained node context information and then dispatch corresponding matching tasks to the node according to its computing capability .

    使用数据划分方法进行 任务 分解时,首先根据获得的节点上下文信息推算节点的计算能力,然后根据节点计算能力分配与之能力匹配的任务。

  • System function of fuzzy control industrial washing machine is analyzed in the thesis a reasonable multitask model has been made a scientific task partitioning and the task ′ s relationship of mutual exclusion and synchronization have been researched .

    在分析工业洗衣机模糊控制系统功能的基础上,建立了工业洗衣机模糊控制系统的多任务模型,进行了系统 任务 划分,并研究了系统任务之间的互斥与同步关系。

  • A task partitioning strategy is presented in this paper which can partition a task into several sub-tasks .

    本文还提出了一种 任务 分割策略,该策略可以把一个任务根据需要分割成若干个子任务。

  • The paper examines inter-organizational cooperation from the point of view of knowledge boundary which based on the knowledge partitioning instead of task partitioning for the essence of inter-organizational cooperation is that organizations are creating knowledge together .

    组织间合作创新的本质是组织共同创造知识的 活动,知识 边界 从本质上反映着组织间关系与互动。

  • You also saw how you can use rule task partitioning to mitigate some of the processing overhead of very complex rules .

    我们还了解了如何使用规则 任务 划分来减轻一些非常复杂的规则的处理负担。

  • Automatic task Partitioning of parallel simulation program based on complicated continuous system

    基于复杂连续系统并行仿真的自动 任务 划分

  • The task of the algorithm involves partitioning the original feature set into a number of homogeneous subsets ( clusters ) and selecting a representative feature from each such cluster .

    该算法 主要包含:将原始特征集 划分为一组相似的子集(聚类);从每个聚类中选择代表性特征。

  • Study on The Task Partitioning Problem of Parallel Simulation Computation

    并行仿真计算的 任务 划分问题研究

  • Task scheduling algorithm is a standard evaluation of software / hardware task partitioning scheme . Task scheduling algorithm oriented reconfigurable system needs to consider the reconfiguration delay and concurrent execution of tasks .

    调度算法是评价软硬件 任务 划分方案的标准,面向可重构系统的任务调度需要考虑硬件任务的重构延时和并发执行等特性,提出一种采用预配置策略的链式调度算法。

  • CHP will extract the code type from the code segment and perform task partitioning mapping and scheduling during the program execution .

    预编译器可将用户程序中对代码类型的描述析取出来,并在执行的过程中进行 任务 划分、映射和调度。

  • According to the model of the runtime reconfigurable system this paper brings forward the task model then get a partitioning result with simulated algorithm finally evaluates the result with task scheduling algorithm .

    本文首先根据可重构的系统模型给出一个 任务模型,然后运用模拟退火算法得到一个 划分结果,其次再运用一个任务调度算法对 划分结果进行评价。

  • Therefore the noumena and automaton based task partitioning and scheduling problem-solving model has good environmental adaptability of the P2P network . 2 .

    因此,基于节点本体和自动机的 任务 分解与调度问题求解模型具有良好的P2P网络环境适应性。

  • In this model message forwarding among task execution agents were used to implement dynamic partitioning of distributed workflow .

    该模型利用 任务执行智能体的信息传递,实现分布式工作流的动态 划分

  • When using function partitioning method of task partitioning we first use obtained the node context information to estimate the task processing efficiency to set the directive factors and so on and then dispatch the tasks according to the estimated efficiency and the directive factors .

    使用功能划分方法进行 任务 分解时,先使用获得的节点上下文信息测算任务处理效率,再根据测算效率分配任务。

  • When new system functions are desired additional microprocessors can be integrated without impacting existing task partitioning .

    在希望增加新的系统功能时,只需连入新的微处理机,而不影响现存 作业 划分