wood sugar

[wʊd ˈʃʊɡɚ][wud ˈʃuɡə]


  • The study of the stability is conducted of the zero oxygen equilibrium composition system of organics ( such as silicone oil triethyl phosphate wood powder and cane sugar ) and ammonium nitrate by the DSC thermoanalysis and the detonator susceptibility determination method .

    以DSC热分析和雷管感度测定方法研究了硅油、磷酸三乙酯、 粉、 蔗糖等有机物与硝酸铵按照零氧平衡组成体系的稳定性。

  • The process would produce two useful by-products : unsulphonated lignin a commercially valuable polymer and xylose a type of wood sugar used in dyeing and in foods for diabetics .

    此生产过程将带出两种有用的副产品:一是具有商业价值的聚合物高活性无机酸 木质素;另外是用在染色和糖尿病患者食物中的 木糖

  • Mrs. Wood takes her coffee black without sugar ;


  • Influence of Pine Wood Nematode on Plasma-membrane Permeability and Soluble Sugar Content of Pinus elliottii Leaves

    松材线虫对湿地松叶片质膜和可溶性 的影响