


  • His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing .

    他的辅导 教师发现了他在阅读和写作方面进步的迹象。

  • The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name .


  • I really could not have wished for a better teacher

    这个 老师对我来说是再好不过的了。

  • Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counselor

    你第一步应该是去找 老师或学校辅导员谈谈。

  • She began her career as a teacher .

    她开始了自己的 教师生涯。

  • His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons .

    他的数学 老师频频在课上羞辱他。

  • Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian

    我们的数学 老师是个坏蛋,一个彻头彻尾的野蛮人。

  • He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher .

    他因为和 教师顶嘴受到了处分。

  • The teacher expects much of me .


  • He has been a teacher for many years .


  • He holds certain expectations about the teacher 's role

    他对 教师的角色抱有某些期待。

  • The project looks at how we could be more effective in encouraging students to enter teacher training

    该项目着眼于我们如何能够更加有效地鼓励学生参与 教师培训。

  • Our teacher set us a stiff test in English .


  • Her drama teacher spotted her ability

    她的戏剧 老师发现了她的才能。

  • The teacher shows partiality to him .


  • A youthful teacher he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics

    作为一名年轻 教师,他发现自己并不情愿地参与到了学校的权力争斗中。

  • The teacher referred to in my last letter has gone abroad .

    我上次信中谈到的 那位 老师到国外去了。

  • I 'm a teacher with 21 years ' experience .

    我是个有21年教龄的 教师

  • I compared my answers with the teacher 's and found I had made a mistake .

    我把我的答案和 老师的对照一下,发现我有个地方错了。

  • Parents will be able to discuss their child 's progress with their teacher

    家长将可以和 老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。

  • Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month .

    她班上的 老师作了特别安排,每月讨论一次她在学业上的进展情况。

  • I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics

    我当了 老师,因为我更喜欢书本和人而不是权术。

  • As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work

    作为一名职业 教师,我几乎可以随意挑拣自己的工作。

  • He was reprimanded by a teacher for talking in the corridor

    他因为在走廊里讲话受到了一位 老师的斥责。

  • She 's an English teacher and a mother of two children

    她是英语 教师,还是两个孩子的母亲。

  • A teacher reprimanded a girl for talking in class


  • He is not qualified to be a teacher .

    他不配做一名 教师

  • There was one teacher who really ignited my interest in words

    曾经有一位 老师真正激起了我对文字的兴趣。

  • The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college 's founder .

    那所 教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。