tape measure

[tep ˈmɛʒɚ][teip ˈmeʒə]


  • The Scotch tape test was designed to measure the adhesion strength of the metal coating to the PET fabric .

    采用自主设计的透明 胶带测量金属与织物纤维的结合力。

  • Design of Auto Printing Machine of Tape Measure with the Metric and British Unit

    全自动公、英制 卷尺印刷机的设计

  • Vietnamese bloggers have been poking fun at the plan envisioning traffic police with tape measures eagerly pulling over female drivers to measure their chests .

    许多越南博客讥笑这一计划,他们设想手执 皮尺的交通警察拦下女性驾驶者,急切 测量对方胸部的场景。

  • Presently in standing tree 's diameter measuring process the main tools are tape meter or caliper which need manpower to read and record measure data .

    目前,国内外在单株立木直径测量过程中,主要使用的还是需人工读取和记录 测量数据的测径围 或轮尺等树木测量工具。

  • At this time a women get into building in my prison and use a tape measure from head to foot measure I especially Ni say she tell outside a man measure result .

    这时,一名妇女进入我的牢房,用一根 卷尺从头到脚测量我,”特尼说,“她告诉外面一名男子测量结果。

  • Applying of Tape Measure Catheter in Parenteral Nutrition


  • Introduce a kind of structure of tape measure which can rewind quickly after it is drawn out .

    设计了一种能使 卷尺 轴后可快速收回的卷尺&快速回绕卷尺。

  • He found just what he wanted and the helpful assistant took a tape and was about to measure the solicitor 's neck .

    律师找到所需要的衣服,乐于助人的店员拿来一 ,准备 他的颈围。

  • Tape Measure : smooth-surfaced clearly marked with centimeters as well as inches .


  • ACOUSTIC SURVEY OF CONCRETE Currently the measurement method is still traditional and being done manually by the traffic accident authenticator with tape measure .

    混凝土的声学测量目前由交通事故鉴定人员到事故车辆停放现场,使用 皮尺工具对其进行传统的手工测量。

  • I laughed and thought she was joking but she said she was dead serious that she even got a measuring tape to measure it !

    我笑了,说她是在开玩笑,但她说不许笑,当初是很严肃的拿 皮尺 它!

  • This paper deeply discussed the mechanism of magnetic tape detector mainly focused on the tape detector appliance in engineering fields making it not only measure the lightning current peak but also its supreme deepness .

    本论文对雷电 参数测量 磁带法的机理进行了较为深入的探讨,着重于 开拓磁带测量雷电 参数应用领域方面的研究,使磁带既能 测量雷电流峰值又能 测量雷电流最大陡度。

  • Sb Ag Cu Pd and Ni films deposited on Si substrates were irradiated with 6 MeV F ions . The Scotch tape test was employed to measure adhesion changes as a function of dose .

    用6MeVF离子束辐照了淀积在Si单晶基底上的Sb、Ag、Cu、Pd和Ni金属薄膜,并用 胶带法对不同辐照剂量的各点进行了增强附着阈剂量的 测量

  • Then she pulls out her tape measure .

    然后,她拿出 卷尺

  • Whereas traditional bespoke services simply require a tape measure and notebook its virtual offspring is inevitably more technical .

    传统的定做服务只需一 软尺和一本笔记本,而它在虚拟世界里的后代则免不了更具技术含量。

  • The paper has put forward the method of application of PC-1500 portable computer to store up in the tape the results of measure as data information and to process the indexing and recovery the results .

    本文提出应用PC&1500袖珍计算机将 测量成果表作为数据文件存入 磁带,并进行检索、提取成果的方法。

  • The carpenter should have used his tape measure .

    那个木匠应该用它的 卷尺

  • Langdon challenged . Next time you 're in the shower take a tape measure .

    兰登反驳,“下次你们洗澡的时候,带上一根 卷尺。”

  • A new printing machine of PVC tape measure has been explained by working principle outline design and structure .

    介绍了一种PVC 卷尺印刷机的工作原理、总体设计及结构设计。