technical circular

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈsɚkjəlɚ][ˈteknikəl ˈsə:kjulə]

[化] 技术通报

  • Study on the Technical Characteristics and the Operational Performances of External Circular Reactor

    循环厌氧反应器的 工艺特征与运行性能研究

  • The article gives a technical and theoretical description about the operation principle of gear cutting of circular gear and analyses the control process of gear cutting depth which is technologically advanced in application .

    圆弧齿轮切齿的工作原理作了详尽的 技术理论描述,指出切齿深度的控制过程,具有很强的技术性。

  • On Technical Paradigm of Circular Economy & The XR Principle

    循环经济 技术范式&XR原则的探讨

  • Through analysed some relevant technical economic indicators in ZY by the before and after of development of circular economy to study ZY develop the circular economy to gain the competitiveness of resources available environmental protection technology and cost so on .

    通过分析ZY发展 循环经济前后的相关 技术、经济指标等,研究ZY企业发展循环经济而获得的资源、环保、技术及成本等竞争优势。

  • The future scientific demands in circular economy field in China mainly include theories and methodologies managerial technical support R & D of circular economy-related technologies and state development strategy of circular economy .

    我国在循环经济领域的科技需求主要包括理论和方法研究、管理 技术支撑、 循环经济技术研发、循环经济国家战略等。

  • From the goal system evaluation system dynamical system law system and technical system to build up Liaoning circular tourism system according to the Liaoning tourism resource the tourism development and the problems .

    根据辽宁旅游资源情况,旅游业发展情况,旅游业所面临的问题,从实现的目标体系、评价指标体系、动力体系、法律法规体系、和 技术保障体系五个方面构建了辽宁旅游 循环经济体系。

  • Planning Environment and Lands Bureau Technical Circular

    规划环境地政局 技术 通告

  • Interlinkage technology is the technical basis of the development of the circular economy and it has some different features from the traditional technologies .

    链接技术是 循环经济发展的 技术基础,具有不同于传统技术的特征。

  • In the technical design stage the outer circular reinforcement was adopted as grade ⅱ steel bar with diameter of 32 ~ 40 mm in 3 ~ 5 rows .

    技术设计阶段,外包 受力钢筋为Ⅱ级钢筋,直径为32~40mm,配置3~5层。

  • Z Company has good technology development platform which has made many technical innovation achievements in product quality the circular economy development and recycling .

    Z公司 技术创新能力较强,有良好的技术发展平台,在产品质量、 循环经济发展、回收利用方面有多项 技术创新成果。

  • The incentive punishment mechanism and technical mechanism will promote iron ore resources enterprise to develop the circular economy consciously select the circular economy mode to realize the incentive compatibility while pursuing the benefit maximization . 3 .

    激励性的规制机制、 技术机制会促进铁矿资源企业发展 循环经济,促使企业在追求利润最大化的同时,自觉地选择循环经济模式,实现激励相容。

  • Most researching papers analyze from the technical or ethical aspects and reveal the importance and necessity of circular economics .

    现有研究文献大多从 技术或伦理的层面进行分析,揭示了发展 循环经济的重要性和必要性。

  • The status of Yunnan mining in Yunnan provincial national economy is introduced . The resources base and technical foundation the main procedures and method for the development of Yunnan mining circular economy the present situation and faced main problem of Yunnan mining are analyzed and studied .

    研究分析了矿业在云南省国民经济中的地位,云南矿业发展存在和面临的主要问题,云南矿业发展 循环经济的资源基础和 科技基础,云南矿业发展 循环经济的主要做法等。

  • Based on the generalized price theory the paper analyzes the micro basis market system technical support government policy of price formation in circular economy .

    论文基于广义价格理论,对 循环经济中价格形成的微观基础、市场体系、 技术支撑、政府政策进行了分析。

  • It can be used to determine the technical parameters of circular furrow irrigation with small tubes .

    应用该模型可以确定小管出流 沟灌溉的 技术参数。

  • In drafting textbook of secondary technical school while cylinder intersect circular cone vertically steps of solution of their intersection lines projection are : firstly finding special point secondly finding common point by auxiliary plane lastly estimating visibility of point and drawing lines .

    中专制图教科书中,对圆柱与 圆锥轴线垂直相交时,相贯线投影作图,大都采用先找特殊点,再用辅助平面法找一般点,最后判断点的可见性并描点连线的方法。

  • For government it is necessary to continue to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure promote industrial upgrading in enterprises the implementation of Circular Economy while increasing financial and technical support to enterprises and protect the implementation of Circular Economy of enterprises .

    从政府来角度来讲,要不断地推动加快产业结构优化和升级,以产业升级带动企业循环经济的实施,同时加大对企业财政与 技术支持力度,保障企业 循环经济的实施。

  • Specific technical requirements of overhead cranes with circular runway for nuclear power station use

    核电站用 环行起重机的特殊 技术要求

  • Including : shaping technical method for straight tube or cone tube with circular cross-section or rhombus cross-section ;

    包括 圆形截面、棱形截面的直管、锥管整形的 工艺方法;

  • The relationship equation and the relationship figure of billet mass specifications of circular steel bar are established by discussing the condition of satisfying most technical requirement of circular formed material used in upsetting and the method of selecting the specifications ;

    从讨论 型材用于镦粗成形时满足大多数 工艺要求的条件及选择规格的方法入手,建立了坯料质量圆钢规格直接关系式和关系图;

  • Finally general concept technical measures and policy initiatives for railway industry developing further circular economy are advanced based on the analysis and evaluation .

    最后依据对铁路行业 循环经济发展现状的分析评价,提出了铁路行业进一步发展 循环经济的总体思路、 技术措施以及政策举措。

  • Based on basic principles of circular economy theory namely reduction reuse and recycle the technical line of circular economy of resource exploitation is given and reduction ways and recycle utilization methods of waste materials waste water and waste gas are discussed in this paper .

    文中根据循环经济的减量化、再使用、再循环的基本原理,提出了资源开发 循环经济实现的 技术路线,重点探讨了固体废弃物、废水、废气的减量途径和再循环利用方法。

  • Besides the technical factor the policy factor should not be underestimated which impels our country to develop circular economy and cleaner production .

    除了 技术因素外,政策因素在推动我国 循环经济和清洁生产发展的过程中,其作用也是不可低估的,甚至是至关重要的。

  • With the experience in RPM pipe research and preparation of the specification for construction and acceptance of RPM pipeworks the author hereby talks about the technical performance computation of the circular deformation and measures to control such deformation .

    作者根据参加RPM管的研究课题及编制RPM管的施工及验收规程的体会,简述了该管的 技术性能、管道环向变形的计算方法、控制 变形应采取的技术措施等。

  • The key to technical coordination is to find the order parameter of system characteristics which are key to promote the circular economy of iron ore resources .

    技术协同的关键是要找到系统本质特征的序参量,也就是促进铁矿资源 循环经济的关键技术。

  • Process integration technology provided the research of wastewater reduction with both technical support and systematic approach and circular economic thought gave the aim of the wastewater reduction research .

    过程集成技术为废水减排的研究提供了 技术支撑和系统化的方法,而 循环经济的理念为废水减排研究设定了目标。

  • The technical reformation of Φ 10.1m circular furnace

    Φ10.1m 环形加热炉的节能 技术改造

  • As the key regulation method and technical measure for circular economy development the material flow analysis took the important advancement function regarding the mining circular economy implementation and development .

    物质流分析作为 循环经济的核心调控手段和 技术措施,对于矿业循环经济的实施和发展具有重要的推进作用。