tape mark

[tep mɑrk][teip mɑ:k]


  • Also if the tape contains any serial numbers or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape these will have to be blocked usually with a black mark over the section .

    同时,如果录象带包含任何序列号或可以导致查出 录象 来源的记号,这些记号必须被遮掉,通常使用一个 黑斑 遮住上述部位。

  • The driller ensures that the drilling line is wrapped with the soft wire or tape at both sides of the mark before cutting the drilling line with the hydraulic line cutter .

    用切绳器把大绳割断之前,司钻一定要把做切割 记号的两边用铁丝或打包 绑好。

  • T : First read by yourselves then follow the tape and mark the intonation .

    先让学生自读,然后 跟读,并 标出语调。

  • But the professional wedding video tape can not satisfied the bride so she went to ask mark for his video tape .

    当专业的婚礼 录像 的不能让新娘满意时,她去找 马克(新郎最好的朋友)希望能得到他拍的脚本。