


  • Methods The surgery was performed through a clear corneal incision on 21 eyes of cataract with silicone oil tamponade .

    方法对21例(21眼) 硅油 充填并发性白内障患者经透明角膜切口行白内障超声乳化吸 折叠式人工晶体植入联合 硅油 取出

  • Overhand cut and fill Optical coherence tomography in silicon oil tamponade eyes

    上行分层采掘充填开采法硅油 填充眼的光学相干断层扫描分析

  • Case of pericardial tamponade ;

    心包 填塞1例;

  • Cases of acute cardiac tamponade encountered in radiofrequency catheter ablation of 938 cases of different tachycardias were reported .

    报告938例各种心动过速射频消融术中遇到的12例急性心包 填塞患者。

  • Timely pericardiocentesis is the method of choice for relieving acute pericardial tamponade .

    及时、可靠的心包穿刺引流是缓解急性心包 填塞最有效的方法。

  • Diagnosis and management of cardiac tamponade and pericardial effusion

    大量心包积液和心脏 的诊断和治疗

  • Conclusions : Vitrectomy with silicone oil tamponade is an effective therapy for complex retinal detachments in pediatric patients .

    结论:玻璃体切割联合 硅油填充是治疗儿童复杂性视网膜脱离的有效方法。从视网膜复位、术后视力及术后并发症三方面来看,视网膜巨大裂孔组手术效果最佳。

  • Their clinical features were signs of chronic right cardiac tamponade .

    其临床特点为慢性右心 征象;

  • An emergency thoracotomy is required to intra-thoracic exsanguinating hemorrhage or acute pericardial tamponade .

    胸内活动性出血及急性心脏 必须急诊剖胸手术。

  • Conclusion pars plana vitrectomy autologous platelet concentrate and gas tamponade for the treatment of full thickness idiopathic macular holes are able to close macular hole and improve the visual acuity .

    结论玻璃体切除、浓缩自体血小板和气体 眼内 填充可使全层特发性黄斑裂孔闭合,视力提高。

  • Objective To study the treatment of bleeding of esophageal varices with one balloon tamponade and sclerosant injection .

    目的探讨单气囊 压迫和注射硬化剂治疗食管静脉曲张出血。

  • Of the28 patients 25 were cured . 3 died from their underlying diseases and acute cardiac tamponade .

    治愈、好转25例,另3例,分别死于急性心包 填塞,风湿性全心炎、心功能不全、呼衰、纵隔肿瘤广泛转移。

  • Low cardiac output ventricular fibrillation respiratory failure and cardiac tamponade were the main causes of death .

    早期 手术 死亡率7.6%27 356),低心排综合 、室颤、呼衰和心包 填塞是死亡的主要原因。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy of vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane ( ILM ) peeling and perfluoropropane tamponade ( C3F8 ) to treat macular retinoschisis in high myopic eyes .

    目的客观评价视网膜内界膜(ILM)剥离手术联合全氟丙烷( C3F8)眼内填充治疗高度近视黄斑劈裂的临床疗效。

  • Optical coherence tomography in silicon oil tamponade eyes

    硅油 填充眼的光学相干断层扫描分析

  • A patient with acute pericardial tamponade can deteriorate in minutes but many can be saved if proper steps are taken .

    创伤性心包膜 填塞 病况会几分钟内容易恶化,但是适当的步骤可病患生命 稳定

  • Complications and prognostic analysis for long-term intraocular silicone oil tamponade

    硅油长期眼内 填充的并发症及预后分析

  • Prevention and treatment of postoperative acute cardiac tamponade after CPB surgery

    体外循环术后急性心包 填塞的预防和治疗

  • The treatment of vitrectomy with tamponade of heavy silicone oil for retinal detachment combined with inferior PVR

    玻璃体切除联合重硅油 填充治疗下方PVR视网膜脱离

  • No patient presented air embolism cardiac tamponade and the tumor spreads or die .

    未出现空气栓塞、心包 填塞和肿瘤播散。

  • Respiratory failure ( 4 ) Post-operation hemorrhage inducing pericardial tamponade and shock ;

    呼吸衰竭;(4)术后出血致心包 填塞、休克;

  • No complications of mediastinal infection or acute pericardial tamponade were found .

    全组无纵隔感染及急性心包 填塞并发症。

  • I tried to tamponade the wound with gauze and pressure .

    我试过用 纱布 压止血。

  • Clinical research of late cardiac tamponade following open heart surgery

    心脏直视手术后迟发性心脏 的临床研究

  • Methods Silicone oil tamponade combined with reserving anterior capsule lensectomy was performed in 33 cases .

    方法对33例复杂性视网膜脱离采用经睫状体平坦部保留前囊的晶状体切除联合 硅油 填充 进行 治疗

  • Cases of cardiac tamponade ;

    心脏 2例;

  • Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention muffled heart sounds and a paradoxical pulse .

    颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示 心包 填塞

  • Perioperative nursing care in the treatment of 149 patients with retinal detachment by vitrectomy combined with vitreous intracavity tamponade

    视网膜脱离行玻璃体切割联合玻璃 体腔内填充术149例围术期护理