technical glass

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ɡlæs][ˈteknikəl ɡlɑ:s]


  • Technical Development of Auto Glass

    汽车 玻璃 技术开发

  • Study on Some Technical Factors of Copper Aventurine Glass

    铜金星 玻璃若干 工艺因素的研究

  • Technical Improvement of ~ ( 14 ) C Glass Vacuum System

    ~(14)C真空 玻璃系统的 技术改造

  • Technical steps of improving quality of glass batch

    提高配合 质量的 技术措施

  • This branch take the artware which makes through each technical process and the great variety glass as representative .

    这一分支以通过各种 工艺流程制成的艺术品和种类繁多的 玻璃为代表。

  • Present Export Market State of Technical Equipments in China Flat Glass Industry

    中国平板 玻璃 工艺 技术装备出口海外市场现状

  • Analysis and Control of the Technical Parameter of the Curved Glass Polishing

    曲面 玻璃抛光 工艺参数的分析与控制

  • This paper describes experimentally the technical properties of improved S2 high strength glass roving and its application properties of composites products in military and civil application .

    本文通过试验研究结果论述了技改型S2高强 玻璃纤维无捻粗纱的 技术性能及其在军工及民用复合材料制品上的应用性能。

  • Technical conditions of lifeboat glass fiber reinforced plastics laminate

    GB/T16167-1996救生艇壳体 玻璃纤维增强塑料层合板 技术条件

  • Technical manuals of a company : glass-sandblasting machine . Glass Sputtering Plant maintenance .

    某公司 技术操作手册: 玻璃喷砂机。

  • Some Technical Problems on Fluoride Opal Glass

    氟化物乳浊 玻璃的若干 工艺问题

  • In this paper some important technical aspects of ~ ( 14 ) C glass vacuum system are pointed out and discussed in detail .

    本文提出了~(14)C真空 玻璃系统的一些 技术关键。

  • Some Technical Problems on the Near IR Cut-off Filter Glass

    近红外截止型有色 光学 玻璃的若干 工艺问题

  • The Technical Research of Three-Dimension Tool Compensation for Glass Carve

    玻璃刻花加工中心三维刀具半径补偿 技术研究

  • In the near infrared region ( 780 nm ~ 2500 nm ) the average transmittance of 16.2 % satisfies the technical requirements of glass wall in domestic architecture .

    在近红外区( 780nm~2500nm)的平均透射率为16.2%,可以满足建筑物 幕墙 玻璃等低辐射膜的要求。

  • Based on the obtained results and those from literatures some questions related to the technical propa-gation of the ancient Chinese glass are discussed .

    结合实验和文献结果,对中国古 玻璃 技术传播的相关问题进行了讨论。

  • Technical Study and Application Practice at Solar Photovoltaic Glass Curtain Wall : Taking Changsha Zhongjian Mansion as Example

    太阳能光伏 玻璃幕墙 技术研究及应用实践&以长沙中建大厦为例

  • According to customer needs can provide technical advisory services flat glass processing technology and equipment manufacturing .

    根据客户需求,可提供相关 技术咨询服务,平板 玻璃深加工技术及设备制造。

  • Technical properties of capillary tubes for glass thermometers are given and a special recuperative tank furnace for vertically drawing these tubes is described .

    本文介绍了温度计 玻璃管的 技术特点,以及垂直拉制这种 玻璃管的小型换热式池炉。

  • Technical procedure of Melting Silicon - Boron Glass by Hi-Tech and Its Furnace Characteristic

    技术硼硅 玻璃的熔化工艺及窑炉特点

  • Technical requirement and test method for the non-glare display glass tube

    GB/T14126-1993显示管防眩玻屏 技术要求及试验方法

  • Design Part in Technical Specification of Glass Curtain Wall Engineering

    JGJ102-2003《 玻璃幕墙工程 技术规范》设计部分介绍

  • Chemical composition analysis is one of the most important research aspects to provide scientific proof for the technical origin and development of Chinese ancient glass .

    化学成分分析是中国古代 玻璃研究中一个重要方面,可以为研究中国古代 玻璃的起源和 技术发展等提供科学的依据,有必要发展新的测试方法。

  • CALCULATING ON THE FRACTURE MECHANICAL MODEL OF THE SOLDERING BETWEEN THE METAL PARTS AND THE GLASS-BACK IN THE TV TUBE Composition preparation process and technical properties of the soldering glass are given .

    显像管金属体与玻壳封接炸裂力学模型计算本文介绍了该 玻璃的组成、制备工艺及 性能

  • The fundamental working principle and classification of motor vehicle window glass lifter are recounted and constructions features and technical properties of arm type glass lifter flexible glass lifter and electrically operated glass lifter presented respectively on basis of the above .

    叙述了汽车玻璃升降器的基本工作原理和分类,在此基础上分别介绍了臂式 玻璃升降器、柔式玻璃升降器和电动玻璃升降器的结构、特点及 技术特性。

  • Technical and Economic Evaluation of Regenerator of Glass Melting Furnaces on the Base of Database

    基于数据库的 玻璃熔窑蓄热室 技术经济评价的研究

  • This text develop from steel and glass production and history course development of architectural style of technological innovation of development of material course get involved the proposition have summed up material characteristic and technical feature of the steel and glass ;

    本文从钢和玻璃材料的产生和发展的历史、技术革新的历程、建筑风格的发展演变过程介入命题,对于钢和 玻璃的材料特性和 技术性能进行了归纳;

  • The Solution of Technical Difficulty Points of 900t / d Float Glass Production Line Cold End Control System

    浅谈 900t/d浮法 玻璃生产线冷端控制系统方案

  • Silicon films have been prepared with silane ( SiH_4 ) as the source gas by atmosphere pressure chemical vapor deposition ( APCVD ) on moving glass substrates under the conditions simulating technical process on float glass production line .

    模拟浮法在线镀膜 玻璃生产工艺,采用常压化学气相沉积(APCVD) 技术以硅烷(SiH4)为主要原料气体在移动的玻璃基板上制备硅薄膜。