tea leaves

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n.茶叶( tea leaf的名词复数 )茶叶,茶渣

  • Study on Degradation Characteristics of Mixed Microbe on Cypermethrin in Tea Leaves

    混合微生物对 茶树 叶片中氯氰菊酯的降解特性研究

  • As a means of evaluating the better business opportunities it 's no better than reading tea leaves .

    作为评价更好的商业机会,他意味着没有比阅读 茶叶更好的了。

  • Tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without fermenting .

    未经发酵而变干的 茶叶

  • Scented tea is made by mixing and aromatizing tea leaves with scented flowers letting the tea assimilate the fragrance of the flowers by taking advantage of the absorption of tea leaves .

    花茶是由 茶叶混合和芳香 留给了花香味,让茶叶吸收采取了茶叶吸收利用花的香气。

  • There are no facilities for washing or disinfecting in this area where the workers are handling the tea leaves .

    工人在地上包装和处理 茶叶,整个包装地点都未有任何卫生及消毒设施。

  • Decaffeination is the act of removing caffeine from coffee beans tea leaves and other caffeine-containing materials .

    脱咖啡因是从咖啡豆、 茶叶和其他含有咖啡因的材料中移除咖啡因的过程。

  • The differences among the many kinds of tea available are based mainly on the roasting and fermentation of the tea leaves .

    现有的许多茶叶种类之间的区别主要在于对 茶叶的烘烤和发酵的方法。

  • Out of date tea leaves will be brittle and dry rather than lush and aromatic .

    过期的 茶叶会变得干燥易碎,口感与味道都会明显下降。

  • We always put tea leaves and vegetable peelings on the compost heap .

    我们总把 茶叶和蔬菜皮放在肥料堆上。

  • Don 't forget your Sisters 'she advised swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass .

    她(母轻)将 茶叶搅至杯底,并告诫她到:「别忘了你的姊妹们。

  • In addition to selling green tea leaves tea merchants have distilled the brew 's essence and added it to gum soft drinks and skin creams-even in Asia to Kit Kat candy bars .

    除了卖 茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KITKAT棒棒糖中。

  • Tea leaves can calm inflammation in the body and may slow the growth of cancer cells .

    此外茶叶还具有平气降火的功效,更能延缓癌细胞的增长速度。 的确茶叶能帮助人们对抗癌症和心脏疾患,但 不是所有的 茶叶都具有这类功效。

  • Benjamin : You can see that it keeps the original color of the tea leaves very well .

    本杰明:你可以看到它很好地保持了 茶叶原来的颜色。

  • Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves .

    你家厨房的排水管被 茶叶堵上了。

  • Every tea ball has tea leaves and a flower .

    每种茶球里有 茶叶和花配成。

  • We use dried tea leaves to make tea .

    我们用干的 茶叶来泡茶。

  • In small bowl stir together tea leaves and cilantro .

    在小碗中混合 茶叶和香菜叶。

  • Scientists reported that tea leaves contain more than 320 kinds of chemical components .

    科学家们报告说, 茶叶含有320种以上的化学成分。

  • In this paper methods of extracting fresh tea juice from fresh tea leaves directly were studied .

    建立了一种针对 的计算机色泽测定方法,并对该方法的应用进行了初步研究。

  • Every day after breakfast I had to go out and pick tea leaves .

    每天吃了早饭,就到 茶园里去 采茶

  • During the Spring and Autumn Period people ate fresh tea leaves as vegetables .

    春秋时期,人们把新鲜的 茶叶当做蔬菜食用。

  • Take used tea leaves and wrap them in either a cloth or paper towel .

    把用过的 茶叶用布或纸巾包起来。

  • Fill the teapot with tea leaves up to one third of the height of the pot .


  • Relationship between Pb content in tea leaves and Pb species distribution in tea garden soils

    茶园土壤中铅形态分布与 茶叶中铅质量分数关系的研究

  • In the beginning of the Ming Dynasty tea was made by pouring boiled water onto loose tea leaves .

    到了明朝初年,茶是用沸水倒进散 茶叶中泡成的。

  • A beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water .

    一种饮料,由 茶叶浸泡在水里制成。

  • Scented tea & This kind of tea is made by mixing fragrant flowers in the tea leaves in the course of processing .

    花茶&这类茶在加工过程中 香花和 茶叶拌和一起。