tap crystal

[tæp ˈkrɪstəl][tæp ˈkristəl]


  • The mechanism of crystal growth was explored using BCF surface diffusion model . The results show that it is surface diffusion mechanism that plays a key role in the growing of TAP single crystal in aqueous solution .

    用BCF面扩散模型对生长机理进行了探讨,认为 TAP 晶体的水溶液生长机制是面扩散起主导作用。

  • The growth rate R of thallium acid phthalate ( TAP ) crystal on each show-up faces in aqueous solution at 322.1 5 K has been determined by stationary stereoscopic microscope method . The relationship between R and σ has been obtained from the experimental data by computer .

    采用静态体现显微法测量在饱和点为322.15K下水溶液中 TAP 晶体各显露面的生长速率R,然后将实验数据用电子计算机归纳出R与σ的关系。

  • Symmetry classes of vibration modes and study of Raman spectra for the X-ray spectrometer crystal tap

    X射线分光 晶体 TAP的振动模对称类和Raman光谱研究

  • Study on TAP Crystal in Crystallization States under Different Ranges of Temperature

    邻苯二甲酸氢铊( TAP晶体在不同温度区间结晶状态的研究