tandem system

[ˈtændəm ˈsɪstəm][ˈtændəm ˈsistəm]


  • Transient Simulation of the Part Opening Tandem Hydroelectric Station System

    半开式 串联电站 系统过渡过程数值模拟

  • The Reliability of a Tandem System ' and Its Risk Analysis

    串联 系统生产可靠度及其风险分析

  • The Riding Dynamics Modeling Technology of Vehicles with Tandem Suspension System

    平衡 悬架汽车平顺性分析的建模技术

  • Experimental Investigation on Remote Monitoring and Dynamic Characteristics of Tandem Extrusion System

    挤出 系统远程监控及动态特性实验研究

  • Beams and columns are tandem system make up of shear failure and flexible failure .

    将梁、柱构件看成由剪切破坏和弯曲破坏组成的 串联 体系前者属于 脆性破坏;

  • Microstructure and properties of middle thickness sheet welded joint for high strength alloy steel with Tandem GMAW system

    高强合金钢中厚板双 焊接接头组织性能

  • Design to Tandem Speed Regulation System Based on Inner-Feeding Chopped Wave

    基于内馈斩波的 系统的设计

  • The Design and Application of InTouch in the 1 450 mm Cold Tandem Mill System

    组态软件InTouch在1450mm冷 连轧 的设计和应用

  • Study on Application of Tandem Mass Spectrometer System in Determination of Tetramine

    串联质谱 系统在毒鼠强测定中的应用

  • Tandem nonstop distributed database system The New Algorithm for the Processing of the Analytic Results Obtained from the TCD abd FID Connected in Series on Gas Chromatograph

    无休止分布式数据库 系统热导串氢焰时处理色谱数据的新算法

  • Design and Implementation of Networks Communication in Hot Tandem Rolling Simulation System

    连轧仿真 系统中网络通信过程的设计与实现

  • Stationary behavior of the two-stage tandem queueing system with finite capacity

    有限容量两级 串联排队 系统的平稳性态

  • There are the basic automation level and the process automation level in the hydraulic AGC computer control system of the tandem cold rolling mill which communicate with the Ethernet . It can satisfy the high-speed precision and aptitude request of the tandem rolling control system .

    冷连轧机液压AGC计算机控制系统分为基础自动化级和过程自动化级,它们之间的通信由以太网来完成,以 适应 连轧控制 系统控制高速化、精密化、智能化的要求。

  • Based on the model parameters discuss and summarize the preliminary law of the fitting data . Finally according to different transfer-function models on condition of different-input variables establish closed-loop feedback system of pressure control of the connector of tandem extrusion system .

    基于模型参数,进行拟合数据的相关讨论并总结初步规律。最后,根据不同输入变量的传递函数模型,建立 阶挤出 系统的连接体压力控制闭环反馈系统。

  • Based on the variation of the reliability of equipment it is proved that the reliability of a tandem system is not a deterministic variable but a stochastic one and has a lognormal distribution .

    本文从研究设备实际生产可靠度的随机性开始,证明了 串联 系统生产可靠度是一个随机变量,并且服从对数正态分布。

  • The Analysis of Laminated Rubber Bearing Tandem Column System Stability

    叠层橡胶支座与柱 串联隔震 体系稳定性分析

  • The analysis and application of the simple tandem serve system

    简单 串联服务 系统的分析及应用

  • First of all design a new set based on the Siemens S7-200 programmable controller the Internet and virtual private network technology and use it in remote monitoring of tandem extrusion system .

    本文以 阶挤出 系统为研究对象,首先,设计了一套基于西门子S7-200可编程控制器、互联网和虚拟专用网络技术的,应用于 挤出 系统的远程监控 系统

  • Lastly the risk model of construction diversion tandem system and the synthetic risk model of construction diversion system are set up .

    在以上工作的基础上,定义出施工导流系统各模式下的风险率模型和施工 导流 系统综合风险率模型。

  • In this paper the extrusion equipment that is composed of single-screw extruder and melt pump is defined as Tandem Extrusion System of Single Screw & Melt Pump or simplified as SP system .

    将单螺杆挤出机与熔体泵 串联组合起来的挤出设备,本文定义为单螺杆熔体泵 串联挤出 系统TandemExtrusion SystemofSingleScrewMeltPump),简称SP系统或SP机组。

  • Performance and Application of Tandem Extrusion System of Single Screw Extruder and Melt Pump

    单螺杆挤出机熔体泵 串联挤出 系统的性能与应用

  • In another words Tandem Extrusion System of Single Screw & Melt Pump is a kind of extrusion equipment with high performance characteristics .

    可以说,单螺杆&熔体泵 串联挤出 系统(或机组),是一种高性能的挤出主机设备。

  • Fuzzy CMAC Learning Control of Five Stand Tandem AGC System

    五机架 连轧 AGC模糊小脑模型学习控制

  • And the tandem mill system requires the tact of different equipments be equal .

    无缝钢管 连轧 系统对各设备的生产节拍有严格的要求,要求具有很高的生产率。

  • Optimal control of a cold tandem rolling system for tracking problem

    连轧 系统跟踪问题的最优控制

  • The practices show that the measure can effectively control the occurrence of this kind of the trouble and increase the reliability of the tandem speed control system .

    实践证明该方法能有效地抑制此类事故的发生,从而提高了 调速 系统的可靠性。

  • On optimal control in cold tandem mill system

    轧机 连续 系统的优化问题

  • The realization of the control of tandem system by programmable controller

    利用可编程调节 实现 控制

  • Batch Arrival for Two-stage Tandem Queuing System With Finite Capcity

    成批到达有限容量的 串联服务 系统