


  • What is the tangency portfolio in this case ?

    这个案例中的 切线投资组合又是什么呢?

  • Aiming at the problem of tangency point reorganization of digital curve this paper proposes a digital curve tangency point detection technology based on rotate-angle accumulation .

    针对数字曲线的 切点识别问题,提出一种基于转角累加的数字曲线切点检测技术。

  • Author discusses the smart application of orthogonal transformation in multivariate function integrals solving some difficult problems of multiple function integrals with the new point of tangency finding between linear algebra and calculus .

    把正交变换巧妙的应用到多元函数的积分中去,解决了多元函数积分中的一些应用难题,找到了线性代数与微积分的新 切点

  • The tangency portfolio is the portfolio that one should hold .


  • This paper studied the case that there is a known point of tangency of a circle and a parabola while the center of the circle is on the recession of the parabola .

    应用 结合的方法,研究了已知圆与抛物线有一个 切点,而圆心在切点处抛物线的 的情形。

  • Taking the reform in curriculum system content of courses and teaching method as our point of tangency ;

    以课程体系、教学内容和教学方法的改革为 切入点,大力 加强 传统 专业 更新 改造

  • According to certain rules points of tangency or intersection with obstacle area are selected as the key points to cell decomposition by sweeping the target area with a tangent that shifts length timely .

    变长切线法通过切线扫掠目标区域,按一定规则选取由切线与障碍区产生的 切点或交点作为关键点来进行单元分解。

  • That would mean that everybody is holding that same portfolio of risky assets and nobody is different they 're only different in how what proportions they hold the risky the tangency portfolio .

    这就意味着每个人,都持有相同风险资产投资组合,每人都是一样的,他们唯一的不同在于 -,他们所持有风险资产的比例 -,也就是 切线资产组合。

  • The essence of arc joining is making the tangency of the arc and line or the arc and arc . The programmed Drawing method of arc joining based on AutoCAD secondary-development is studied in this article . The Visual LISP drawing program of arc joining is merited .

    圆弧连接的本质就是使圆弧与直线或圆弧与圆弧 相切,在此研究了基于AutoCAD二次开发的圆弧连接程序化绘制方法,用VISUALLISP语言编程建立了圆弧连接通用绘图程序。

  • Through square and triangular permutation ways of cutting identical dimension on steel plate the first model of computational combinatorics is set up by tangency permutation method .

    模型Ⅰ主要用 相切排列法”通过 方形排列”及 三角形排列 种情形建立了在一块固定尺寸钢板上切割一种规格 圆板的组合计算模型;

  • So now the urgent problem for us is to seek the point of tangency and point of balance for Intellectual Property law system which provide protection with Business Method and the perfecting of censoring standard and method of substantial requirements of Business Method patent .

    因此,寻找现有知识产权法律制度对商业方法保护的 切入点和平衡点,完善商业方法专利实质性条件的标准和审查方法,是我们当前迫切需要解决的问题。

  • Now he 's using a much longer sample than I did so he 's not going to get this tangency portfolio that I did .

    他的样本跨度比我的要大多了,所以他得出的 切线资产组合会和我的不同。

  • The paper deals with two types of connection of developable surfaces namely intersection and tangency .

    探讨了可展面连接的两种类型:相交连接与 相切连接。

  • Based on the analysis determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection .

    基于在解析 几何的基础上确定了 切线和交点的唯一性。

  • Given a NURBS curve perturbation for control points is chosen and the LSM ( Least Square Method ) is used to modify the geometric features such as position tangency or curvature of the selected parametric point on the given curve .

    通过对NURBS曲线的控制顶点扰动,采用最小二乘法修改曲线上给定一点处的位置、 和曲率等几何特征,并讨论了多点几何特征同时修改的情况。

  • Then everyone should be holding the tangency portfolio .

    所有人都应该持有 切线投资组合。

  • With the Lagrange multiplier method the minimum distance of the center of a circle and a quadric surface was provided and the tangency condition of curve and surface was given .

    利用拉格朗日乘子法求解二次曲线和二次曲面之间的最小距离,给出了曲线与曲面 相切的条件。

  • This paper introduces an analyzing technique for determining aspheric particle images and gives a simple way of tangency process between two images .

    从理论上给出了工业中 有关 球形微粒的处理和分析方法,并提出了一种简便的图像 相切处理方法。

  • Emergency Solution to the Equipment Failure of Subnet Access Node in Tangency SDH Loop

    相切 组网SDH子网接入点失效的应急方案

  • Tangency is controlled by the first two control points from a surface boundary assuming that these points lie in one line .


  • Concepts about bridge node and loop tangency are proposed . The principle of the loop shrinkage of the signal flow graphs is deduced from the point of view of the equivalence of node split .

    提出了桥结点、环路 相切概念,从结点分裂的等价观点出发,导出了信号流图中环路收缩的原理。

  • Somebody else might say well I want to just hold this point I want to hold the tangency portfolio .

    而另外的某些人可能会说,我就想 这个点的 比例来持有投资,我想持有 切线投资组合。

  • This is just as point of tangency of this dissertation .

    这正是本研究的 切入点。

  • Then finally the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate .

    在最后,最终的步骤是找出一条,穿过无风险收益率的 切线

  • The asset pricing model and this is critical assumes everyone is rational and holds the tangency portfolio .

    资本资产定价模型是非常重要的模型-,假设每人是理性的,并持有 切线资产组合。

  • The paper takes teaching environment as point of tangency gives an thorough analysis on the constructing element of teaching environment and educational equipment as well as their mutual relations .

    教育技术装备是教育体系中 不可或缺 重要 组成部分,是发展大教育的要素之一,也是推动教育 信息化 重要力量。

  • The optimal allocation of the certainty and severity of penalty under the cost restrain is the point of tangency of the curve of equal deterrence and the curve of equal cost of deterrence .

    成本约束下的刑罚确定性与严厉性的最优配置是等威慑水平曲线与等威慑支出曲线的 切点

  • Their point of tangency is called the pitch point and since it lies on the line of centers it is the only point at which the tooth profiles have pure rolling contact .

    大小 齿轮 接触点称为节点,由于 节点位于中心线上,因此 节点是齿形轮廓线上唯一做纯滚动接触的点。

  • 2 ) Adaptive Tangency ( AT ) method with known plane sectioning shoe last in shoe last transform .

    在楦体的各种变换中,研究了用已知平面切割鞋楦 平面 鞋楦 交线交点的自适应 法(AT算法);