tangent plane

[ˈtændʒənt plen][ˈtændʒənt plein]


  • This paper analyses the tangent equation of space curve and the derivation process of the curved tangent plane equation in the higher-mathematics teaching-materials and shows another method to extract the tangent equation of space curve .

    分析高等数学教材中空间曲线的切线方程和曲面的 平面方程的推导过程,给出求空间曲线的切线方程的另一种方法。

  • And now what this approximation formula here says is that in fact the graph of a function is close to the tangent plane .

    这里这个近似式的意思是,函数图象和 平面靠得很近。

  • If we were moving on the tangent plane this would be an actual equality .

    如果我们在 平面上移动,这将会是一个真正的等式。

  • It is really the tangent plane .

    它确实就是 平面

  • That 's one way to define the tangent plane .

    这是定义 平面的方法。

  • All satellite image are tangent plane projection obtained along the flight direction of satellite .

    卫星图像都是沿卫星飞行方向而获取的 平面投影图像。

  • By the aid of local-tangent-planes-based method the tangent plane is estimated the normal vector is adjusted and the directional distance function is calculated .

    利用基于局部 平面簇的方法对数据点云进行 平面的估算、法向量的调整和计算有向距离函数,提高了重建速度,改善了重建效果。

  • And here 's a tangent plane at the given point .

    在这个给定的点有一个 平面

  • Then if I choose any vector in that tangent plane .

    那么如果我选择了任何位于 平面的向量。

  • Let 's think about the tangent plane with regard to a function f.

    我们来考虑,关于函数f的一个 平面

  • And at this point I have the tangent plane to the level surface OK so this is tangent plane to the level .

    在这点上,我们有一个切于等值面的切面,这就是等值面的 平面

  • OK and that 's going to be the normal vector to the surface or to the tangent plane .

    这就是 平面的,或者说这个曲面的法向量。

  • Well one way to think about it is in terms of tangent plane approximation .

    我们可以从用 平面逼近的想法来入手。

  • In fact when we turn this into an equality that would mean that we replace f by the tangent plane .

    其实,看这个等式,就是用 平面 来近似f的

  • And so in particular if we set this equal to zero instead of approximately zero it means we 'll actually be moving on the tangent plane to the level set .

    而且,特别地,如果我们令此函数为零,而不是近似为零,它意味着我们在水平集的 平面上移动。

  • Mean Value Coordinates on Tangent Plane for Laplacian Mesh Deformation

    基于 平面中值坐标的Laplacian网格变形算法

  • OK so now if you have a surface given by an evil equation and a point on the surface well you know how to find the tangent plane to the surface at that point OK any questions ?

    如果有一个由有点恶心的方程确定的曲面,以及在曲面上的一个点,你应该知道,如何找到 这点 平面了,有问题么?

  • Tangent Plane Approximation of Homogeneous Constraints and Its Application to Optimal Design

    齐次约束的 平面近似及在优化设计中的应用

  • Study of Solving Normal Line and Tangent Plane of Archimedes Helicoid Based on MATLAB

    基于MATLAB的阿基米德螺旋面法线和 平面的求解研究

  • A SPECIAL TANGENT PLANE OF RING SURFACES Family of Osculating Planes Rectifying Planes Normal Planes of Space Curves

    环面的一种特殊 切面空间曲线的密切面族、从切面族和法面族

  • That is how we get the tangent plane .

    这样我们就得到了 平面

  • This paper derives navigation error equations of tangent plane inertial coordinate .

    本文推导了 平面惯性系统的导航误差方程;

  • We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane .

    我们用 函数 平面来替代它的图像。

  • Say you have a minimum well the tangent plane at this point at the bottom of the graph is going to be horizontal .

    如果你说这是个极小值,那么 这点 平面应该是水平的。

  • Now if I have two lines tangent to the surface well then together they determine for me the tangent plane to the surface . Let 's try to see how that works .

    现在,假设曲面上有两条相交切线,那么这两条切线可以确定一个 平面,我们来看看这个 平面是怎么搞出来的。

  • And in particular this approximation is called the tangent plane approximation because it tells us in fact it amounts to identifying the graph of the function with its tangent plane .

    这个近似办法称作, 平面近似,因为它告诉我们,可以通过切平面,来反映函数的图像。

  • That 's the equation of a tangent plane .

    这就是 平面的方程。

  • Research on stereo vision measuring method for tire tangent plane

    轮胎 平面的立体视觉测量方法研究