


  • There is an interesting and unexplained anomaly in tamarack from northern localities in west central Canada . medium-sized larch of North American Rocky Mountains ; closely related to Larix_occidentalis .

    中西加拿大的北部 点的美国落叶松有一种有趣的难以解释的异常现象。北美 落基山一带的中型落叶松;与西部落叶松近属。

  • My father took Bob and me walking out through the tamarack woods and a mile beyond where we were faced with a sudden high ridge .

    我父亲带着鲍勃和我步行穿过 落叶松 林地来到了1英里以外的地方,一 陡峭的山 在我们面前。

  • CMP from Larch ( TAMARACK ) Chemical Mechanical Polishing Technique
