


  • Plant type index were : the tallness of individual plant was 80-85cm ;

    株型指标为:株 80-85cm

  • Conclusion The stature of male college students in the western part of Guangdong are mesomorph the female are tallness but the degree of development of both are gangly .

    结论粤西大学生男性身高属于超中等型,女性 身高 属于 身材型,发育充实程度中等,男女体形均属瘦长型。

  • Her Achills'heel is her tallness .

    她的唯一缺陷是 身材

  • But in this case what was more interesting than the sex was the ( supposed ) tallness of the guys .

    我会将这个话题 略微 延伸 一些。但是在今天的 讨论中,比性更重要的是(人们认为的)这些家伙的 身高

  • In soil : sheep dung ( 4:1 ) and farming soil : sawdust ( 1:1 ) individual plant tallness axial root length and branch root number were better .

    耕作土 羊粪按4∶1比例 配制和耕作土 锯末按1∶1比例 制作基质时 株高最高、主根最长、侧根数最多。