




  • Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey

    其估计数目300与另一项调查的 结果 吻合

  • The second was also very special because we won it with a record points tally .

    第二个同样也很特别,因为我们创造了 的积分记录并赢得 冠军

  • They do not tally with local press reports and the NDRC 's methodology is vague .

    这些 数据与当地发布的报告中的 数据并不 一致,国家发改委的研究方法比较模糊。

  • Her list does not tally with mine .

    她的单子与我的不 相符

  • It 's your worst nightmare ; your credit card bill arrives but the figures don 't tally up .

    这是你最坏的梦魇;你的信用卡账单来了,但是上面的数字并不 符合

  • All the public companies show up on our list accounting for36 percent of our final tally .

    所有上市的翻译公司都出现在我们的榜单中,占到了我们最终排名的 36%

  • But the organization also warns that its tally might vastly underestimate the magnitude of the outbreak .

    但同时世卫组织也提醒他们的 统计可能极大地低估了埃博拉病毒的强度。

  • The final tally was 817 votes for her and 731 for Mr Lee .

    最后 得出 票数是她817票,李先生731票。

  • Your plans don 't tally with mine .

    你的计划和我的 不同

  • As you 'd expect the net keeps an ongoing tally of these products .

    正如您所预料的,网络会保持这些乘积的一个使用中的 计数器

  • Their statement doesn 't tally with the facts .

    他们的陈述与事实不 相符

  • The number of students present should tally with the class list that you have been provided with .

    到课的学生人数应与提供给你的学生名单 相符

  • This description didn 't seem to tally with what we saw


  • There are a few figures on this blueprint that don 't tally .


  • Yes I know they won15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally .

    是的,我知道,他们赢得了15枚金牌,名列金奖牌 第四名。

  • Now he 's held the prize aloft he can 't wait to add to his medal tally .

    现在他的目标更大了,他等不及增加他的 奖牌 数量了。

  • You can buy on tally in this shop .

    在这家商店里可以 赊购

  • The checkbook stubs don 't tally with my Bank statement .

    支票 薄存根与我的银行对账单不 符合

  • His criticisms of my book tally closely with yours .

    他对我这本书的批评跟你的批评非常 吻合

  • If you miss out one sling inadvertently the tally figure will be inaccurate .

    如果你疏忽大意漏掉一勾, 理货数字就不正确了。

  • I came back to find tally and that 's what I 'm going to do .

    我是回来找 泰利的,那才是我要做的。

  • They do not keep a tally of visitors to the palace but it is very popular

    他们没有对参观宫殿的 人数进行 统计,不过这地方很受欢迎。

  • The facts mentioned in the report tally to every detail .

    报告中所提到的事实都 丝毫不差。

  • Studies indicate that farmers'perception of climate change does not always tally with national meteorological data .

    研究表明农民对气候变化的感知并不总是与全国气象资料 一致

  • When the final numbers are tallied sales will almost certainly have fallen .

    等到最终的数字 统计 出来 ,几乎可以肯定销售额下降了。

  • The amount she said she had received failed to tally with the figure shown in the records .

    她说的所收数额和记录上显示的数字不 符合

  • Official data do not tally with what companies are reporting either .

    官方数据也与企业报告的 业绩 结果

  • We actually tally up two balances one for available funds and another for the account balance .

    实际上,我们 结算两个余额,一个是可用资金,另一个是帐户余额。

  • The figures didn 't seem to tally .


  • He kept a running tally of who had called him who had visited who had sent flowers

    他不断 记录有谁给他打电话,拜访过他,或给他送花。