


  • To stretch ( taffy for example ) repeatedly .

    不断地 拉长反复地拉伸(例如,

  • They were just giving him taffy but he did not know .

    他们只是在向他 献媚,可是他一点也不知道。

  • Don 't just salivate come buy some taffy now .

    别光会流口水,快买些 吧。

  • Quebec : Maple taffy This seasonal treat is made by boiling maple sap and then quickly hardening it on snow or ice .

    魁北克:枫树 这是由季节性 食品是由沸腾的枫树液,然后迅速雪地或冰里凝固。

  • The corrosion-resistance of film measured by two methods . One is soaking experiment another is electrochemical experiment the later mainly tested the anodic polarization and taffy curve .

    镀层的耐腐蚀性能用两种方法进行检测,其一是浸泡试验法;其二是电化学试验法,其中后者主要使用阳极极化曲线和 塔菲尔曲线来 说明

  • After fasting for three days the fever abated and he felt as limp as taffy .

    饿了三天, 火气 下去 上软 皮糖 的。

  • The sea air is great for allergies and you can find some great salt water taffy there so better take good care of your health while you hang around this place .

    海上的空气是过敏好,你可以找到一些伟大的盐水 那里,以便更好地照顾您的健康照顾好,而你这个地方挂起。

  • The rod is then heated and pulled like taffy into a fiber .

    然后将这根棒加热并 一样被拉成 一根纤维。

  • Why don 't you make taffy with flour .

    何不奶糖上抹 粉。

  • By my fifth piece of peppermint taffy I realized

    第五颗薄荷 过后,我突然领悟

  • But whatever your weakness be it chocolate jelly beans licorice taffy or worms candy adds a bit of sweetness to the everyday .

    不过,不管你喜爱的是 种糖果,巧克力、吉利豆、甘草 乳脂 还是昆虫 ,糖果 总能给你每天的生活增加一丝甜蜜。

  • Tara takes two teaspoons of taffy in her tea .


  • You want me to make poor taffy ?

    你要我做便宜的 奶糖

  • But where there is liquefaction such as in the mud in the Mississippi Valley and all the rock layers pulled like taffy in the eastern half of the US the distance measure is skewed .

    但是当土壤液化时,例如密西西比河流域的泥土和美国东半部 那些 一样被拉开的岩层,距离测量是不准的。