




  • Some universities would be forced to take more students than they wanted

    有些大学将 被迫超计划招生。

  • There 's confusion and resentment and it 's almost never expressed out in the open . Take this office for example

    有人迷惘,有人憎恨,可是几乎谁也没有公开表达过。 这个办公室的人来说吧。

  • They 've turned sensible if you take my meaning

    他们变得通情达理了,如果你 明白我的意思的话。

  • My wife and I have taken the cottage for a month .

    我和妻子 下这套乡间小屋已经一个月了。

  • At one time walking across the room took all her strength

    曾经有段时间她得 费尽全力 才能从房间一头走到另一头。

  • When I took the job I thought I could change the system but it 's hard


  • She was too tired to take a shower

    她累得连 都懒得冲。

  • Since the roads are very bad the journey took us a long time

    由于路况很糟糕,我们路上 很长时间。

  • Unfortunately no one took my messages seriously

    遗憾的是,没人 我提供的信息当回事。

  • It added another $ 11.8 million to the take for a grand total of $ 43 million .

    这就又增加了 1万美元的 收入,总计为4万美元。

  • The Patriotic Front took power after a three-month civil war

    经过3个月内战,爱国阵线 夺取 政权。

  • Take off the price of the house that 's another hundred thousand .


  • She took me to a Mexican restaurant


  • ' I 'll take the grilled tuna ' Mary Ann told the waiter .

    “给我 份烤金枪鱼 ,”玛丽·安告诉侍者。

  • A combination of talent hard work and good looks have taken her to the top

    兼具天赋、勤奋和美貌使她得以 出人头地

  • She had taken him for a journalist


  • A Serb army unit took the town

    一支塞尔维亚部队 攻占了那个镇。

  • Mark often took his books to Bess 's house to study

    马克常常 书本去贝丝家学习。

  • They have taken heavy casualties .

    他们 遭受重大伤亡。

  • They take great pride in their heritage

    他们为自己的历史传统深感 自豪

  • He has taken my money and I have no chance of getting it back


  • Douglas telephoned Catherine at her office . She refused to take his calls .


  • ' Poison ' took first prize at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival

    《毒药》在1991年的圣丹斯电影节上获得 一等奖

  • His brother Raoul did it but Leonel took the blame and kept his mouth shut

    事情是莱昂内尔的弟弟拉乌尔干的,可是 莱昂内尔却代他受过,并且对此绝口不提。

  • Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian .

    在订阅《纪事报》以前,我 的是《卫报》。

  • You need to take your problems to a trained counsellor

    你需要 去找训练有素的咨询顾问请教这些问题。

  • From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town

    从雷克瑟姆市中心出发, 沿着切斯特路到达市郊。

  • He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth

    他从口袋里 掏出手帕,轻轻擦了擦嘴。

  • The firm took £ 100 in bookings .

    这家公司在票务预订方面的收入达到10万 英镑

  • He was a poor student from Madras whose genius took him to Cambridge

    他是个来自马德拉斯的穷学生,凭自身的才华上 剑桥。