


  • He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful thieving wife .

    他发誓要 报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。

  • It sent a message that Mr. Putin should be under no illusions about the damage such steps would wreak .

    奥巴马的这一声明向普京传达了一个明白无误的信息:不应对于此类措施可能 导致 严重 后果抱有幻想。

  • Outages and errors can wreak havoc on a network especially when many systems are running identical configurations .

    停机和错误会在网络上 造成 严重破坏,尤其是在许多系统采用相同配置的情况下。

  • There are new fun elements and surprises in the game including dragons that ( you guessed it ) breathe fire and wreak havoc on the cauldrons !

    有新的乐趣和惊喜的元素在游戏中,包括小龙(你猜对了)呼吸火灾 肆虐破坏的大锅!

  • Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera leaving three people dead and dozens injured

    猛烈的暴风雨 法国里维埃拉地区 造成 极大的破坏,致使三人死亡,数十人受伤。

  • We keep producing stress hormones which in turn wreak havoc on the rest of our bodies .

    于是我们就不断地制造应激激素,进而 大肆破坏我们身体的其余部分。

  • If it 's a real threat the high winds alone will wreak havoc .

    这的确是个威胁,这么强烈的风会 带来很大的破坏。

  • The mountains are studded with dams any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below .

    山区到处都是大坝,其中任何一个都可能 下面的山谷 带来 灭顶之灾

  • An attacker may only need the slightest opportunity to wreak havoc on a system and cause permanent damage .


  • Tall thin towers often wreak havoc with team working by splitting departments across several floors .

    又高又薄的大厦往往 对团队合作造成严重破坏,因为公司的各个部门 被迫分布于好几个楼层上。

  • She had a burning desire to wreak revenge .

    她复仇 心切

  • This situation stands in stark contrast to the devastation that a deleveraging hurricane continues to wreak in the US and other parts of the world .

    这与继续在美国和全球其它地区 肆虐的去杠杆化飓风带来的破坏形成了鲜明对比。

  • No wonder human journalists have started writing about the economic damage the robots may wreak .

    难怪记者们已开始撰写关于机器人可能 造成经济损害的 报道

  • If thou should return to the land of the living the innocent shall wreak havoc upon thy soul .

    如果汝回到生者之地牺牲者 将会的灵魂 展开复仇。

  • The wind will wreak havoc on my garden .

    大风将 摧毁我的花园。

  • Stress can wreak havoc on the immune system .

    压力可能 破坏免疫系统。

  • What is certain though is that an uncontrolled default will wreak economic and financial havoc .

    但可以肯定的是,失控的违约必将 引发经济和金融浩劫。

  • Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle .

    怯懦的人总是 满腹牢骚向温和的人发泄。

  • She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin .

    她决心要向杀害表妹的 凶手 报仇

  • He wanted to wreak revenge on his colleagues .

    他要对同事们 进行 报复

  • And believe they can wreak much evil magic .

    而且被认为可以 施放邪恶的魔法。

  • Once a hacker gains access to the password he can wreak havoc steal your identity destroy your credit ruin your relationships and expose your secrets .

    一旦黑客拿到这个密码,他可以 大搞破坏,冒名顶替,破坏你的信用,毁了你和他人的关系和曝光你的隐私。

  • This workaround circumvents security and allows malicious code to wreak havoc with restricted resources .

    这种“变通”规避了安全机制,让恶意代码 得以对受限资源 造成重大破坏。

  • These can get inside the cells and really wreak havoc .

    这些 毒性分子会进入细胞内并 造成严重破坏。

  • I am determined to wreak vengeance on John .

    我决心向约翰 报仇

  • He was determined to wreak revenge on her .

    他决心对她 施行 报复

  • He threatened to wreak vengeance on the men who toppled him a year ago .

    他威胁要对一年前扳倒他的人 进行 报复

  • The disease can wreak significant economic and social consequences in communities .

    该疾病会 社区 造成重大经济和社会后果。

  • Stress is internal which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health .

    压力是内在的,这就是为什么它 严重损害身体健康。

  • Having a few drinks can wreak havoc with your waistline even if youve switched to a low-calorie tipple .

    即使只喝一点点酒也 危害到你的腰围,饮用低卡烈酒也不例外。