working partner

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈpɑrtnɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈpɑ:tnə]


  • In order to enhance the needle valve partner 's working reliability and the service life the paper designs one kind of new needle valve partner .

    为了提高针阀偶件的 工作可靠性和使用寿命,笔者设计了一种新的 针阀偶件。

  • So whenever your relationship is not working whenever it brings out the madness in you and in your partner be glad .

    所以说,每当你的关系 运转 不灵的时候,每当关系把你和 伴侣里面的“狂乱”引发出来的时候,你要高兴。

  • I graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies university . I am working for a British company in BJ now . I want to search an native English partner in bj .

    我从北京外国语大学毕业,现在一家英国公司 工作,想寻找一位英语 伙伴

  • Gap is working with a local partner Shanghai Yi Shang which will handle distribution and fulfilment of orders .

    Gap将与当地 合作 伙伴上海奕尚网络信息 公司 合作,由奕尚处理订单的配送和执行。

  • The way to precisely target this audience connect with potential customers and gain measurable results is through online marketing and working with the right online media partner .

    通过网络营销,同合适的在线媒体 伙伴 合作,能帮您精准地找到目标受众、与潜在客户取得联系、获得可衡量的结果。

  • They will probably not enjoy group projects as much although they are likely to be fine working with one partner on a project .

    他们可能并不太喜欢完成团体作业,尽管可能会在需要团队 合作 作业中表现得很好。

  • The EU is now an important economic and trade partner of china working as the largest technology supplier to third largest trading partner with and the5th largest actual investor in china .

    欧盟已经成为中国的重要经贸伙伴,是中国最大的技术供应方、第三大贸易 伙伴和第五大实际投资方。

  • In an effort to overcome this countries are working with WHO and partner agencies to pool the data and resources of different sectors to improve data collection analysis and use for planning .

    为克服这一局限性,各国 正在与世卫组织和 伙伴机构合作,汇集不同部门的数据和资源,以改善数据收集、分析和使用规划。

  • Do I like working with this partner and will he / she be a good contributor to my board and company ?

    我喜欢与这位 合伙人 一起 工作吗,他/她将来能对我的董事会和公司有所贡献吗?

  • The five agents all working at William Morris were thinking of starting their own firm when a senior William Morris partner got wind of their plan and fired them .

    这5位经纪人都在威廉莫里斯 就职正在考虑开设他们自己的公司,而此时,威廉莫里斯的一位高级 合伙人风闻了他们的计划并炒了他们的鱿鱼。

  • Counting on it Jenny is more than a working partner for Chen now after only a few months .

    现在,尽管只相处了短短数月,但珍妮和陈燕之间的感情已超出 工作 伙伴 关系

  • If we 're working together you should work on your partner skills .

    我们要 合作,你就得改进。

  • We look forward to working with you side by side to be a long-term partner whom you can trust .

    我们期望与您并肩 工作,成为您信赖的长期 合作 伙伴

  • That becomes less of a problem when men have a working partner who is often earning as much if not more than them .

    但是如果男人的 一半工作,并且赚得至少和他们一样多,‘养家’就不是什么问题了。

  • You 're constantly working selflessly to meet your partner 's needs but you 're not looking after you .

    你不断无私的 努力来满足 伴侣的需求,但你却能照料好自己。

  • I 'm not the one working with a partner here .

    我跟他可不是一 儿的。

  • We are working to significantly expand our anticorruption work at the country level so that our partner countries receive the support they need in carrying out reforms .

    我们在 努力扩大国家层面的反腐败工作,从而使我们的 合作 伙伴国家得到他们开展改革所需要的支持。

  • Now Mr Rudd wants to go further building up Australia 's ties in East Asia and working more through multilateral institutions while seeking to be a partner of not a deputy to America .

    现在,陆克文希望再进一步,他要与东亚建立更多的联系,在多边组织中 发挥作用,并同时寻求成为美国的 合作 伙伴,而不是其副手。

  • Working with their partner Collaborative Consulting the University 's IT department outlined a roadmap for incremental adoption of SOA .

    新英格兰大学的IT部门与 凯捷咨询公司 通力合作,描绘出了增量采用SOA的路线图。

  • He said : I want to be out there working . I feel guilty my partner is out there working all she can .

    他说,我希望能够出去 工作。看到家人在外面拼命赚钱我觉得很 内疚

  • The Bank is working with countries and partner agencies to control malaria .

    目前,世行正与各国和各 伙伴机构一 为控制疟疾而 努力

  • Our commitment is deliver quality products create more value for clients so we are always working hardly to guarantee : . We are your reliable partner in this line .

    我们的承诺是交出优质的产品,为客户创造更多的价值,因此我们总是 努力 工作去证明:我们在这个行业是你们可靠的 合作 伙伴

  • Carter 's working with a partner . they 're selling the list tonight .

    卡特 搭档今晚出售名单。

  • We are committed to working with partners helping them build great products and great businesses on our platform and we believe this deal will increase our partner value proposition over time .

    我们承诺将与合作伙伴 合作,基于我们的平台帮助他们开发优秀的产品,发展优秀的业务。我们认为,这笔交易未来将提升我们 合作 伙伴的价值。

  • Meridian Design is also working with a partner to develop a different kind of solar-powered purification system .

    与此同时,Meridian设计公司 合作 伙伴研发不同类型的太阳能水净化系统。