working paper

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈpeɪpər][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈpeipə]


  • Unless you 've been working a paper route on the side .

    除非你在里面也有 工作 合约

  • Keevan W. The Execution Feedback Loop : Techniques to Minimize the Risks Associated with Organizational Change . Working paper ( 2003 ) .

    执行回馈循环:将组织变革所涉及的风险减到最小的手法>,2003年 研究 论文

  • The three are co-authors of a new working paper suggesting that when trouble looms for a firm outside directors have more incentives to quit than to stay .

    这三位学者是一 新研究报告的 共同 作者,报告提出当一家公司隐现困难征兆时,外部董事在离职与留任之间,更有动机选择前者。

  • This sketch is done straight on the computer but the same tips apply if you are working on paper .

    假如你在 纸面工作的话,我给的建议还是一样的。

  • A recent Asian Development Bank working paper attributes most of the efficiency gains in China to a catch-up effect as income per person rose towards global averages .

    亚洲开发银行(ADB)最近发表的一篇 工作 报告,把中国要素使用效率提高的主要原因归结为追赶效应,即人均收入朝着全球平均水平靠拢的过程。

  • Permanent filing of working paper

    工作 底稿的永久存档

  • At a Model UN conference when a working paper or draft resolution is first written it may not be discussed in debate .

    在模联会议中,一份 工作 文件或者决议草案刚刚完成的时候不能够被讨论。

  • A working paper released this week by the National Bureau of economic research finds that the stocks of companies with chief executives who are single are riskier than the shares of companies run by CEOs who are hitched .

    上周,美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)发布的一项 工作 报告认为,由单身CEO管理的公司其股票风险高于那些由已婚CEO管理的公司。

  • He 's working on a paper .

    他在 论文

  • An International Monetary Fund working paper estimates official development assistance including technical assistance could be about $ 1bn - $ 1.5bn annually in 2004 and 2005 .

    国际贷币基金组织(IMF)的一份 工作 报告估算,2004和2005年间,包括技术援助在内的(中国)年均官方开发援助总额可能高达约10亿至15亿美元。

  • The theory behind the link between ageing and asset prices is outlined in a recent working paper by Elod Takats of the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) .

    这个理论建立在人口老龄化和房产价格的联系上,这种联系在国际清算银行的 艾洛德·泰格特斯最近的 工作报告中提及。

  • Abstract : concerned with the practical necessity as to how to make urban design working this paper discusses the problems of organization guarantee system motive power and process for urban design practice .

    文摘:作者从城市设计实施的现实性要求 出发讨论了关于城市设计 运作的组织、保障、动力及过程的问题。

  • Finalize working paper documentation related to all work performed .

    完结所有履行工作相关的 工作 底稿文本。

  • Attractive CEOs raise their company 's stock price when they first appear on television according to a working paper by Joseph T. Halford and Hung-Chia Hsu at the University of Wisconsin .

    威斯康星大学的徐宏嘉(音)和乔瑟夫•T•哈尔福德的 工作 报告显示,富有魅力的CEO能在首次电视露面时助力公司提升股价。

  • A new Harvard Business School working paper sheds some light .

    哈佛商业学院新披露的一份 文件向我们揭示了部分真相。

  • Confidential nature of working paper of audit

    审计 工作 底稿保密性

  • Michael Luca an assistant professor at Harvard Business School released a 2011 working paper that found that a one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5-9 % increase in revenue for restaurants .

    哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)副教授迈克尔o 卢卡2011年发表的一篇 论文称,一家餐馆在点评网站Yelp上的排名每增加一颗星,收入就会提高5%到9%。

  • On working This paper summarizes the Pearl River estuary regulation .

    总结了珠江河口整治 工作

  • Ingram . Patterns of Metropolitan Development : What Have We Learned ? . In World Bank Working paper .

    大都市发展模式∶我们学习到什么?〉,世界银行的 工作 报告

  • If you are working on paper you can photocopy your loose sketch and just trace over it with a new sheet .

    如果你是 纸面 工作的话,你可以在上面叠一张纸然后描线。

  • World Bank Staff Working Paper

    世界银行工作人员 工作 文件

  • For the efficient working of the paper cutter machine the good control system is the key techniques .

    高性能的控制系统是 切纸机高性能 工作的关键技术。

  • He knows that his working paper is just the start of a conversation with the curators and cultural ministries who might make the idea a reality .

    他知道,他的 研究 论文只是与各博物馆馆长和各国文化部长一次对话的开始,他们或许会将这个想法变为现实。

  • In a working paper that covers 1965 through 2008 he and his colleagues found that gridlock had no effect on the returns of the big companies represented by the Standard Poor 's 500-stock index .

    在一 研究范围涵盖了1965年到2008年时间段的 工作 论文中,约翰逊和他的同事们发现,僵持对标普500指数代表的大企业的股票回报率没有影响。

  • I 've been working on that paper for weeks and almost have the sucker finished .

    几星期来我直在 这篇讨厌的 论文,现在就快完成了。

  • The above-mentioned working paper has received favorable responses from many countries .

    上述 工作 文件得到了许多国家的支持和响应。

  • Whitmore Diane . What Are Food Stamps Worth ? Princeton Industrial Relations Section Working Paper no. 468 ( July 2002 ) .

    食物券值什么?〉,《普林斯顿工业关系部门 工作 报告》,第468期(2002年7月)。