


  • With a penknife he peeled the apple and excised the wormy part .

    他用小刀去苹果皮并切离 虫蛀的部分。

  • Comments on his poetry and traditional plays have been made from the Dynasty of Ming and Qing to the present age but there is still something more wormy of discussion .

    对其诗文、戏曲,从明清到当代,学者都 论述,但其中仍有 值得讨论 之处

  • The soil here is quite wormy .

    这里的土壤中有 很多 蚯蚓

  • Experiment shows that the cracked insect-bite soybeans can be separated efficiently by rotating belt while the wormy ones with little holes cannot be found effectively .

    试验表明,回转带式分选装置可有效去除大豆中的 破嘴籽粒,但对洞口很小的虫眼豆精选效果不理想,需进一步研究。

  • The peach tree is wormy .

    桃树 长虫了。

  • When I bit into the apple and finding it wormy I flung it away .

    我咬了一下苹果,发现 ,就把它扔掉了。

  • So the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with the Partnership for Child Development at Imperial College London launched whats called This Wormy World .

    为此,伦敦卫生及热带医学学院与伦敦大学帝国学院儿童发展合作伙伴, 联手发布 虫虫世界

  • Look at these vegetables & they 're all mottled and wormy .

    看看这些蔬菜&它们全都是斑斑 点点的, 而且 里面 还有 虫子

  • It 's a big apple but probably wormy .

    这只苹果很大,但可能 蛀虫