worm gearing

[wɚm ˈɡɪrɪŋ][wə:m ˈɡiəriŋ]


  • The load distribution and load sharing of this worm gearing are calculated and analyzed . The test results by which the correctness of this method can be confirmed are given .

    编制了计算 包络 环面 蜗杆 传动 接触 线上载荷分布与 齿间载荷分配的计算机程序,对该 传动的载荷分布与分配进行了计算研究,并给出了对本文方法正确性的实验验证结果。

  • With which the parameters primarily effecting mesh performance and geometry characteristic of this worm gearing were discussed .

    分析了主要影响该 传动啮合性能和几何特性的参数;

  • Contact Analysis of worm gearing under the Condition of the Errors and the Load

    制造误差和载荷耦合条件下 蜗杆 传动的接触分析

  • This paper makes a meshing analysis about the spiroid gearing . Using the method of equivalent worm gearing the assembly condition of Archimedes spiroid gears has been obtained .

    通过锥蜗杆传动副的啮合分析,用当量 圆柱 蜗杆 的分析方法,得出阿基米德锥蜗杆副的装配条件。

  • The stress and strain cloud of the worm gearing is acquired which due to the load of temperature by analysing the worm gearing in the radiant space environment and the effect of intensity on the gear tooth by the load of temperature is acquired also .

    通过分析得到了温度载荷对空间辐射环境下的 蜗杆传动产生的应力云图和应变,获得了温度载荷对传动齿面强度的影响。

  • The plane enveloping worm gearing of hydrostatic lubrication is a new type of worm gearing .

    液体静压润滑平面包络 蜗轮 传动是一种新型的蜗轮传动。

  • A new numerical computing method suitable for all kinds of cylindrical worm gearing is proposed .

    提出一种新的计算圆柱 蜗杆 啮合的数值计算方法。

  • Capacity and Efficiency Analysis on a Compound Planetary Worm Gearing

    复合行星 蜗杆 传动 机构的承载力和效率分析

  • The Research on Toroidal Drive ; Accuracy of double enveloping worm gearing with straight line generatrix

    超环面行星蜗杆传动的关键技术研究 GB/T16848-1997环面 蜗杆蜗轮精度

  • A Solid Modeling and Geometric Analysis of Hourglass Worm Gearing

    包络环面 蜗杆 传动的实体建模和几何分析

  • Study of Tooth Contact and Kinematic Precision on Cone-Generated Double Enveloping Worm Gearing

    锥面二次包络环面 蜗杆 传动齿面接触及运动精度的研究

  • The Influence of Grinding Wheel Wear on Transmission Properties of Quasi-Plane Double Enveloping Hourglass Worm Gearing ;

    通过分析砂带磨削与砂轮磨削的区别,介绍了 砂带磨削的磨削机理、磨削特点和应用范围。

  • Lubricating Performance and Contact Strength of the Hourglass Worm Gearing

    环面 蜗杆 传动的润滑性能和接触强度

  • Influence of Orientation of Contact Line and Lubrication Angle of Worm Gearing to Its Lubrication Performance

    接触线方向和润滑角对 蜗杆 传动润滑性能的影响

  • Gives a thorough introduction to the kinematics design and stress analysis of spur gears and a simple introduction to helical bevel and worm gearing .

    深入介绍直齿圆柱齿轮的动力学、设计和应力分析,并简单介绍斜齿轮、锥齿轮和 蜗轮 有关方面的问题。

  • Osculant stress and shocks of acceleration of the worm gearing is obtained through the quasi-static analysis obtained the adaptability of the acceleration shocks of the system .

    通过准静态分析获得了 蜗杆 传动的接触应力和加速度载荷冲击,获得了系统抗加速度冲击的适应性。

  • The heat generation and temperature rise is a key factor which limits the load carrying capacity of worm gearing .

    蜗杆 传动的发热和温升是制约 蜗杆 传动承载能力的一个关键因素。

  • There are single enveloping TI worm gearing and double enveloping TI worm gearing according to enveloping times .

    根据包络次数它可以分为一次包络TI 蜗杆 传动和二次包络TI蜗杆传动。

  • Computer Aided Analysis and Simulation for Worm Gearing

    蜗杆 传动计算机分析和仿真

  • The Mesh Performance of Modified-Angle Developable Hourglass Worm Gearing and its Error Analysis

    角修正可展环面 蜗杆 的啮合性能研究和误差分析

  • The basic principle of the worm gearing is analysed .

    分析了该 啮合 传动的基本原理。

  • The agitator drive is comprised of a non-proprietary reducer which utilizes worm gearing to provide a variety of output speeds .

    由非专利设计的 蜗轮 传动组成的搅拌驱动,提供多种搅拌速度。

  • Effects of Design Parameters on Meshing Performance of Single Enveloping TI Worm Gearing

    设计参数对一包TI 蜗杆 传动啮合性能的影响

  • Worm compressor is an ingenious application of worm gearing in non-power transmissions .

    蜗杆压缩机是 蜗杆 传动在非动力传动中得一种绝妙应用。

  • Worm gearing Gearbox Grinding wheel Transmission efficiency ;

    蜗杆 传动;齿轮箱;砂轮;传动效率;

  • Research of Ball Worm Gearing

    滚珠 蜗杆 传动的研究

  • Numerical analysis on distribution feature of contact lines of double-enveloping Q-TI worm gearing is studied .

    对二次包络Q-TI 蜗杆 传动的接触线分布特征进行数值分析。

  • Effects of Boundary Condition and Helix Angle on Meshing Performance of TI Worm Gearing

    边界条件和螺旋角对TI 蜗杆 传动啮合性能的影响

  • Accuracy of double enveloping worm gearing with straight line generatrix

    GB/T16848-1997环面 蜗杆蜗轮精度