working input

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈɪnˌpʊt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈinput]


  • Poverty alleviation monitoring and evaluation system is to adapt to the poverty relief and development work characteristics of the new stage aim at the poverty alleviation working and shows that the input of government and the community causes what kind of results .

    扶贫监测评价体系正是适应新阶段扶贫开发工作特点、针对扶贫 工作进行的,说明政府和社会的 投入产生了什么样成果这一问题。

  • Help to generate and repair meshes to obtain machinable mock-ups for the rapid prototyping machines working with STL files as input .

    通过生成与修补网格曲面,可以为快速成型机提供可 加工 STL格式文件。

  • Design of student 's status and report card is a complicated working especially input of student 's basic message and grade data mainly manual work inefficient and wasteful in time .

    学生学籍与成绩登记报表制作是一项复杂的 工作,尤其学生基本信息和成绩数据的 录入,大都由人工完成,费时、费力,且效率低。

  • Basic marketing resources are defined as the operation factors working as marketing input not as marketing output owned or obtainable by the firm .

    基础营销资源是指企业拥有或能够取得的、作为营销活动 输入而不包含营销活动产出(如市场资产)的经营要素。

  • The digital emulation shows the mechanical working accuracy is improved greatly after input the datum into the CAD program .

    输入CAD程序后,数字仿真结果表明,加入校正后的机械 加工系统的加工精度可以达到0.002祄。

  • According to the principles of the matrix converter while working in unbalance input and balance input condition the simulation model for dynamic modulation strategy of offset angle of input current for matrix converter was founded with Matlab in unbalance input .

    输入非平衡、输出平衡时矩阵变换器的 工作原理,用Matlab建立输入非平衡时矩阵变换器的输入电流偏置角动态调制策略(SVM算法)的仿真模型。

  • The working process of input circuit PI control circuit system monitoring and conversion of control modes are included in this paper .

    介绍了进油自动调节系统 输入回路、PI调节回路、系统监视和控制模式切换的 工作过程。

  • The elegant design guarantees that when the rotating device is running the working power supply of the vibration motor is normal input and the knotting of the wires is prevented .

    其中通过巧妙的设计保证当转动机构通电转动时振动马达的 工作电源可正常 输入,不会产生导线打结的情况。

  • The influence of the system pressure inlet subcooling of the working medium and the heat input power to the heated section on the point of net vapor generation were investigated in the experiments .

    在相当 宽广 质压力、入口过冷度及加热功率范围内研究了上述参数对过冷沸腾净蒸汽产生点的影响。

  • The MACH number control system need more sub - system to correspond working which is th a typical more input and one output system .

    该风洞马赫数控制在不同的 工况下需要多个子系统协调 完成,是一个典型多 输入单输出,非线性时变系统。

  • In this correlator a LCLV is put on input plane working at nonlinear transform status by adjusting its working voltage and realizes differential processing of input images in real-time .

    两个液晶光阀均处于非线性变换态,分别在输入面和频谱面上实现对 输入图像和联合功率谱的微分处理。

  • A computer-aided calculation shows compared with that of a conventional beam pumping unit of the same model working at same pumping speed and under same working conditions the maximum input torque of the assumed unit would be reduced by 20 % and over .

    计算结果表明:这种变曲柄转速游梁式抽油机与同型号、同冲次非变曲柄转速游梁式抽油机相比,在同样 工况条件下,其最大 输入扭矩可降低20%以上。

  • The working process dynamic character input voltage input current and their THD of welding inverter were analysed through simulation so as to current voltage and their THD and spectrum of neighbor User .

    仿真试验分析了弧焊逆变电源 工作过程及其动态特性,接于配电网的邻近用户的电压、电流及其THD(总谐波歧变率),弧焊逆变电源 输入电压、电流的THD及频谱分析。

  • It maintains a message queue for the working program monitoring all the input devices simultaneously .

    它为每个 运行着的程序维持一个消息队列,同时监控着所有的 输入设备。

  • Being different from other solutions the method takes the branch airflow and fan working points as basic input data and the present solution is of greater advantage for calculating ventilation networks of mines in operation .

    该解算方法与其它解算方法不同的是本法以风网的风量和扇风机 工况点作为解算网路的基础 数据,对生产矿井的通风网路解算更能显示其优越性。

  • Working out a policy mechanism of financial input for population and family planning programs .

    51、建立人口与计划生育事业的政策性 投入机制。

  • Setting and Working Principles of Input / Output Buffers

    输入输出缓冲区的设置及 工作原理

  • The working points are acted as input the increment of joint coordinates will be solved in terms of the rectilinear increments of these points .

    即,将模拟手膂机器人的 作业点作为 输入 数据,根据该点的线性增量,求解机器人各关节的运动增量。

  • And ' affective filter ' is in fact a twofold mechanism working on both input and output processes .

    而情感过滤事实上应该是一个双重过滤机制,既 作用输入,又作用于输出。

  • Adoption of formwork rapid removal technology can increase the turnover rate of formwork speed up construction progress improve construction quality lower working strength and reduce input .

    采用快拆模板施工技术,可提高模板周转率,加快工程进度,提高工程质量,降低 劳动强度,减少 投入

  • Third in the working area of content and format of the input settings .

    第三,在 工作区中进行内容的 输入与格式的设置。

  • Man-machine interface modules such as G-code manual input module - convenient for manual operation insight for working state input of G-code and so on .

    数控代码手动输入等人机界面模块&方便手动操作、了解 加工状态和数控代码 输入等。

  • The whole course of working can be carried automatically and the operator can input the operating size to the computer which can be used repeatedly thereafter .

    整个 加工过程自动进行,操作者把工件尺寸 输入计算机,以后可以反复调用。

  • Secondly to meet the requirement of mobile clients we propose an interface design scheme including getting archive data acquisition data query and remote control . The detailed working process and input / output parameters of each interface are designed .

    其次根据移动客户端开发需求提出包括获取档案、数据采集、数据查询和远程控制四项功能的第一期接口设计方案,详细规划设计各个服务接口的 工作流程、接口 函数 输入/输出参数。

  • C. convertor in color TV on & off stabilized volta supply in detail and puts forward the conditions for linear analysis . It has analyzed the working principle and the relation between the input voltage and output voltage in two types of convertors .

    本文详细地分析了彩色电视机开关稳压电源中的直流&直流变换器的电磁变换过程,提出了线性分析的条件,分析了两大类直流变换器的 工作原理和 输入、输出电压的关系。

  • For the vehicle DC / DC converter is relatively poor working conditions the input voltage and load disturbance are associated with large-scale and small-signal model based control law could not guarantee vehicle DC / DC converter is reliable .

    而由于车载DC/DC变换器的 工作环境较差, 输入电压及负载都会伴有大范围的扰动,以小信号模型为基础分析得出的控制规律并不能保证车载DC/DC变换器在大扰动下工作的可靠性。

  • Double locating device make the machine working continuously with profile input alternately .

    双定位设计,交互上 停机,效率高;

  • In the actual working condition unbalancedness of three-phase input voltage will lead to even ripples at output voltage and odd harmonics at input current and reduce quality of power supply .

    在实际 工况中,三相 电网电压的不平衡将会导致PWM 整流器的输出电压产生偶次电压纹波,同时会导致网侧电流产生奇次谐波,从而降低电网的供电质量。

  • This paper puts forward an analytic design method of the scheme of moving functions in a robot for machining with taking the working surfaces and cutting tools as input information .

    本文提出了一种以 加工表面和刀具为 输入信息,基于解析方法的切削加工机器人的运动功能方案设计方法。

  • The architecture and the working procedure of the decision support function of job input are represented with an applied example .

    举例说明了该功能的组织结构和 工作流程。