
[ræp əˈraʊnd][ræp əˈraund]

[计] 环绕式处理,绕回

  • Application WPARs a wrap-around that can run inside of a global instance can be created in seconds which allows for the quick testing of new applications .

    只需几秒即可创建应用程序 WPAR,它可以在全局实例中运行,这样就可以快速测试新应用程序。

  • Apply the label on all kinds of cylinder in semi-or fully wrap-around . It 's suitable for medicine food beverage and chemical industries .

    各类圆形瓶全圆周或 半圆周之标签贴附,适用于医疗,食品,化学类。

  • New polymer materials have very important acts in desertification control and improvement of ecological environment . This paper also introduces fundamental principles of the wrap-around fertilizer of polymer materials and polymer fertilizer and ways to enhance fertilizer utilization ratio so as to mitigate environmental pollution .

    新型高分子材料在防沙固沙、改善生态环境建设中有非常重要的作用。介绍了高分子材料 包覆化肥,高分子化肥及其提高化肥用利率,减少了环境污染的基本原理。

  • Study of wrap-around fins dynamic characteristics

    弧形翼的动态 动特性研究

  • The research on aerodynamic characteristics of wrap-around fin and wing-body combination was carried out at super high speeds in this dissertation .

    本文开展了 弧形翼及翼-身组合体在超高速下的空气动力学特性研究。

  • Studies on Coupling System Composed of GRIN Rod Lenses for Double-cladding Planar Waveguides ; Sunglasses : sporty with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

    双包层波导GRIN棒透镜耦合系统的研究太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的 包边墨镜。

  • Second toe wrap-around flap with wings to repair skin avulsion of the fingers

    翼状皮瓣的第二 趾甲瓣修复手指皮肤套脱伤

  • So it is an effective measure to restrain the coning motion of large fineness ratio unguided spinning rocket stabilized with tail fin that adopting negative-fixed and negative-spin wrap-around fin .

    将卷弧形 尾翼反装且反向旋转是抑制和减小大长径比无控旋转火箭弹锥形运动的有效措施。

  • A NURBS surface fitting method with tight tolerance for wrap-around models is presented .

    提出了一 卷曲模型的NURBS曲面建模新方法。

  • Since 1988 free toe wrap-around flap and second metatarsophalangeal joint transplantation has been used to reconstruct 45 thumbs and fingers in 42 patients .

    方法 1988年起,应用游离 足趾瓣及 瓣加第2跖趾关节联合移植等 多种方法,再造拇手指42例45指。

  • An Engineering Calculating Method of the Aerodynamic Load for Long Range Rocket Projectile Wrap-Around Wings

    远程 火箭弹 翼气动载荷工程计算方法

  • Key looks this season are : Sunglasses : sporty with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

    这一季的主打 时尚 元素有:太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的 包边 墨镜

  • Objective To introduce the clinical application of reconstructing the thumb and index finger with combined transfer of big toe wrap-around flap and the second toe .

    目的介绍 瓣和第二趾联合移植再造拇、示指的临床应用。

  • Methods Combinations of2-3 methods of wrap-around flaps abdominal flaps free skin flaps and toe transplantation were used in97 cases in this paper .

    方法采用 瓣、腹部带蒂皮瓣、游离皮瓣、足趾移植等2~ 3种方法组合修复手 97例。

  • Explorer Suites : Viking Star features 14 Explorer Suites which are two-room suites ranging from 757 to 1 sq. ft. that offer sweeping views from wrap-around private verandas .

    探险家套房:海盗之星有14间探险家套房,套房拥有2间卧室,面积从757到 1163平方英尺不等,环形阳台能为游客提供全景视野。

  • For the first time the cover is a wrap-around .

    这是第一次 封套 环绕 设计

  • Elise 's brother Eric and his partner Michael stood right behind them dressed identically in white linen shirts and wrap-around sunglasses .

    Elise的兄长Eric和他自己的伴侣Michael就站在Elise的后面,他们穿着一模一样的白色亚麻衬衫并 着太阳镜。

  • Wrap-around flap of hallux and another side second toe associating with anterolateral femoral flap were used to repair destructed fingers and thumb combining with avulsion of skin of palm of hand in 1 case ;

    第1~5指毁损伴手掌皮肤撕脱伤采用拇 瓣与另一侧第二趾加股前外侧皮瓣( 3 组织)1例;

  • Objective To provide a method of overcoming the-difficulty of covering the skin defect remained at the side and base of the finger after repair with wrap-around flap from the second toe for finger avulsion injuries .

    目的解决第二趾 趾甲瓣在修复手指皮肤套脱伤时,因第二趾短、细,造成手指侧方及根部皮肤难以覆盖的问题。

  • In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 we deal with the combinatorial properties and also construction methods for uniform designs under the wrap-around L_2-discrepancy and the centered L_2-discrepancy respectively .

    第3章和第4章则分别介绍了可卷 L2-偏差及中心化L2-偏差均匀设计下的组合性质与组合构作方法。

  • Wrap-around style mouton fur collar stormcoat


  • In the typesetting process of Chinese Japanese and Korean there are such special limits as Wrap-Around Line Continuity and Reading Rule .

    在面向中、日、韩等 语种的不规则版面排版处理中,对 图文 互斥、行连续性、阅读规则等方面都有特殊的要求;

  • The first practical example is modeling and smooth connection of two wrap-around models the second practical example is smooth connection of four patches with the same corner .

    第一个实例为两 卷曲 模型的建模与拼接,第二个实例为四 共角点曲面的拼接。

  • Analysis of microstrip wrap-around antenna based on dyadic green 's functions

    基于并矢格林函数分析 环绕微带 天线

  • Sunglasses : sporty with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

    太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的 包边 墨镜

  • Repair of degloving injuries of the fingers with second toe wrap-around flap combined with dorsal flap of the foot

    足背皮瓣的第二 趾甲皮瓣修复全手指皮肤套脱伤

  • We report our experiences of free toe and wrap-around flap transfer in thumbs and fingers reconstruction .

    目的 介绍临床应用游离 足趾瓣移植 再造 手指的实践经验。

  • Males wore a shirt and trousers adorned with a belt and females wore a longer shirt a wrap-around skirt called a paniova and a headscarf .

    男子穿的衬衫和裤子配有带子,女子穿长衬衫、“ paniova”裙子和头巾。

  • Numerical investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of large fineness ratio wrap-around fins rocket

    大长径比 尾翼火箭弹气动特性数值研究