


  • Using underwater blasting to demolish the wrack in the waterway is a rapid effective and economical means .

    水下爆破 沉船 清理航道是一种快速、有效、经济的手段。

  • Facilitation of Phragmites australis Growth by Wrack Disturbance in High Salt Marsh in the Yellow River Estuary China

    植物 干扰对黄河河口高潮滩盐沼芦苇生长的促进作用

  • Then long-forgotten things like sunken wrack and sumless treasuries burst upon my eager sight and I begin to feel think and be myself again .

    遗忘已久的事情就如带着数不尽的财宝而沉没的 残骸,在我热忱地期盼中再现,我开始去感受、去思考、重新做回自己。

  • The sky turns black ; two-headed calves are born ; famine and deprivation wrack the land .

    天空变暗;双头小牛出生;饥荒和穷苦 肆虐大地。

  • Clearing Wrack by Underwater Blasting Underwater Blasting Tamping Method of Rubble Bed

    水下爆破 沉船 清障抛石基床的水下爆夯密实方法

  • The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved .

    那农夫 搬走之后,谷仓就废弃了。

  • Clearing Wrack by Underwater Blasting Entering the Religious World of The Sunk Ship

    水下爆破 沉船 清障走进《沉船》的宗教世界

  • Very little impolicy can bring wrack and ruin .

    任何一点 闪失就会带来毁灭。

  • Bring to wrack and ruin ; bungle


  • The consequence of desperation to develop is exhaustion of resources and deterioration of environment which lead the mankind to wrack and ruin and lead the economy to back up .

    不顾一切发展经济的后果是人类赖以生存、经济赖以 持续发展的资源的 耗竭和环境的恶化。

  • Times of wrack and misery


  • Periodic crises wrack the capitalist system and they grow in size and duration .

    周期性的危机 破坏 资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间在延长。

  • In this way marine search and rescue personnel could find location of the wrack as soon as possible so that the searching time-consumption can be reduced effectively and casualties as well as property damage also be decreased .

    这样,海事搜救人员就能够尽早确定 遇险船舶位置,使得搜救时间大为减少,从而有效地减少海难事故的造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,提高了海事搜救的效率。

  • The wrack had begun to stink as it rotted in the sun .

    海草 残骸在阳光下腐烂,开始 臭了。

  • Atmospheric tide ; the tides that wrack saturn 's moons .

    大气潮; 破坏土星卫星的

  • Marketers wrack their brains and develop expensive advertising campaigns solely designed to get prospects to focus on their offers .

    开发一种系统的 交叉 销售 方式能用 相对 的费用和努力带来 额外 收入

  • The wrack of the city was still hot from the fire .

    这城市的 残骸,仍因火灾还是热的。

  • The Guardian article says this is how FIFA operates : Helicopter into a country enjoy tax-exempt status wrack up revenue from corporate sponsors and broadcasters then take off to the next destination .

    《卫报》报道中称其运营方式为 直升机到一个国家,享受免税身份,从赞助商和广播公司 那里,然后 转战下一个地方。

  • His breath reeked of tobacco . The wrack had begun to stink as it rotted in the sun .

    他口中带有烟草的臭味. 海草 残骸在阳光下腐烂,开始 臭了。