abbr.words per minute 每分钟字数,字/分

  • The effect of basal medium was modified MS > QL > WPM .

    基本培养基的效果依次为改良MS>QL >WPM

  • This begins with your realization after mastering the first two characters that you can copy code at15 or20 wpm because you just did it .

    这首先与你的实现,在掌握前两个字符,你可以抄收15或 20WPM的代码,因为你只是做了。

  • In1993 after diligent work at my computer I took my first code test and passed the20 wpm exam on the first try .

    1993年,在我的电脑后,勤奋工作,我把我的第一个代码测试和通过了第一次尝试20 分钟考试。

  • When the SIBus is created there is only one active WPM messaging engine on one of the cluster servers and all service requests to cluster members are routed through this single messaging engine .

    当创建SIBus时,一个集群服务器上仅存在一个活动 WPM消息引擎,并且对于集群成员的所有服务请求都通过该单一消息引擎来路由。

  • Pre-treatment at low temperatures and dark conditions for 10 days and 5 weeks culture in WPM medium without hormones could improve a rooting rate .

    在低温、暗培养条件下处理10天,在生根前进行5周壮苗处理,有利于提高无 根苗的生根率。

  • Office skills include ; operating English word processor and microcomputer taking shorthand 85 wpm .

    办公室工作技能包括:操作英文文字处理机及微型电子计算机、速记 分钟85

  • The results show that the medium WPM + 2.0mg / LBA + 0.1mg/LNAA is the optimum medium for sprouting of dormant buds .

    结果表明, WPM+2.0mg/LBA+0.1mg/LNAA为诱导珙桐冬芽萌发的适宜培养基;

  • WPM can compete with OFDM in wireless mobile communications and other fields such as Wi-Max and also has unlimited potential in the field of cognitive radio .


  • Improved WPM medium was appropriate for subculture also .

    适宜 的继代培养基为改良 WPM 培养

  • A typing speed of40 WPM is required for both posts .

    两个职位都要求 分钟打40个字。

  • One-fourth the rated speed of the associated equipment ; in transoceanic telegraph one-fourth of full speed or 12.5 baud or 16 + wpm .

    有关设备额定速度的四分之一;在越洋电报中,指四分之一全速或12.5波特或 分钟16

  • Rooting rate was low on WPM with NAA . These roots mostly were induced from callus and not suitable to transplant .


  • Results showed that the best basic medium was the WPM medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose .

    结果表明: WPM+3%蔗糖为最佳基本培养基。

  • Wavelet Packet Modulation ( WPM ) is a new kind of multicarrier modulation .

    小波包 调制是一种新型的多载波调制方式。

  • Shoot regenerated from leaves of sweet cherry variety Dilemma in vitro on the media WPM or NN69 supplemented with cytokinin BA and auxin IAA NAA or IBA .

    在基本培养 NN69或 WPM上附加BA和低浓度的NAA,IAA,IBA作 培养 ,诱导甜樱桃品种吉列玛试管苗的叶片产生了不定梢。

  • The mature embryos of Douglas-fir were used as explants to induce adventitious buds on MS N6 SH GD WPM DCR media .

    以美国 花旗松成熟胚为外植体进行离体培养诱导不定芽。

  • I soon realized that the Koch method achieves its speed through directness ; if you want to copy reflexively at15 or20 wpm then just start building those reflexes from the start .

    我很快意识到,科克方法通过直接实现它的速度,如果你想 抄收在15或20 分钟反射式的,那么就开始建设从一开始的反射。

  • Having a level of Morse proficiency that is of real use on the air meaning that you can copy at12-13 wpm or more will add immeasurably to your enjoyment of Amateur Radio .

    具有熟练的莫尔斯技巧很有用,你可以抄写 12-13WPM以上,将添加不可估量的享受到你的业余无线电。

  • Multicarrier modulation system based on wavelet packet transform is introduced . By analyzing the CCDF about peek value 's power its efficiency on measuring the performance of PAPR is demonstrated .

    介绍了以小波包函数为载波的多载波调制系统,分析了 WPM 信号 符号 周期内峰值功率的 互补 累积 分布 函数CCDF)及其对PAPR性能的有效描述;

  • However an outstanding problem in OFDM field is that they have very high peak average power ratio ( PAPR ) which is still very serious in WPM and greatly affects the popularity and application of WPM technology .

    然而,在OFDM领域,一个突出的问题是其有很高的峰值平均功率比(PAPR),这个问题在 WPM技术 里面依然很严重,极大的影响了WPM技术的普及和应用。

  • MS and N 6 were relatively better for the seed germination and seedling growth of primroses than improved WPM and Miller in the four different culture media .

    在四种不同的培养基中,MS及N6 培养 对报春花种子萌发及幼苗生长比改良 WPM、Miller 培养

  • When calli resulted from cultured young leaves were transferred to WPM supplemented with 5.0 μ mol TDZ and 3.0 μ mol IAA the most of adventitious shoots ( 11.2 per callus ) formed .

    幼叶外植体诱导的愈伤组织块转 WPM+5.0μmolTDZ+3.0μmolIAA培养 上, 产生 较多不定芽苗(每一愈伤组织块平均产生11.2株);

  • In WPM the bit error rate ( BER ) of subchannels performance in the additive white gaussian noise ( AWGN ) channel Rayleigh flat fading channel and frequency selective fading channel has been shown . 2 .

    仿真分析了小波包调制系统在加性高斯白噪声( AWGN)信道、瑞利(Rayleigh)平坦衰落信道以及频率选择性衰落信道中各子信道的误比特率性能。

  • Active Listening People speak at100 to175 words per minute ( WPM ) but they can listen intelligently at up to300 words per minute .

    人们的语速一般在每分钟100到175字,但是人们却拥有听懂每分钟300字的听力 潜质