tall timber

[tɔl ˈtɪmbɚ][tɔ:l ˈtimbə]


  • Tall evergreen of western North America ; commercially important timber tree .

    北美西部一种 高大的常绿铁杉;经济型 木材

  • Any of numerous tall trees of the genus Eucalyptus native to Australia and having aromatic leaves that yield an oil used medicinally and wood valued as timber .

    桉树一种原产于澳大利亚桉树属 高大树木,具有能产生医药用油脂的气味芳香的叶,并能提供优质 木材

  • Quality of five buildings in the south gate of Temple is very particular about the tall hall exquisite carving fine timber as a symbol of the family line .

    南门五祠建筑在质量上非常讲究, 高大的厅堂、精致的雕饰、上等的 用材,成为光宗耀祖的一种象征。

  • Tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips ; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber .

    东印第安一种 高大的雪松,树枝外展,树梢低垂;外观高雅,可作 木材

  • Tall evergreen timber tree of western North America having resinous wood and short needles .

    北美西部 高大的常绿 木材,木质含树脂,短针叶。

  • Tall larch of western North America have pale green sharply pointed leaves and oblong cones ; an important timber tree .

    北美西部 高大的落叶松属植物,浅绿色尖角树叶,椭圆形球果;重要的 木材

  • Tall trees native to the Australian region ; source of timber and medicinal oils from the aromatic leaves .

    土产于澳大利亚的 树; 木材和药油来自芬芳的叶子。

  • Tall timber tree of central and southern Europe having a regular crown and gray bark .

    欧洲中部和南部的一种 高大 木材,树冠整齐,灰色树皮。

  • Tall fast-growing timber tree with leaves containing a medicinal oil ; young leaves are bluish .

    高大、成长快的 成材乔木,树叶包含一种药用油;幼小的叶片呈蓝色。

  • Tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber .

    一种 高大的澳洲金合欢属植物,出产价值昂贵的黑色 木材

  • Any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus ; some yield useful timber .

    假山毛榉属的几种 高大新西兰乔木的任何一种;有些生产有用的 木材

  • Tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood . So that much of the expertise in seasoning is devoted to achieving the maximum drying rate .

    高大 成材乔木,木材坚硬、沉实,略带粉红色或浅棕色。因此,有许多的木材干燥专家们曾致力于求得最大的木材干燥率。

  • Tall New Zealand timber tree .

    新西兰一种 高大 木材