talk large

[tɔk lɑrdʒ][tɔ:k lɑ:dʒ]


  • I recently gave a talk at a big corporate conference to hundreds of delegates without exception middle-managers from large companies .

    我最近曾在一此大型企业会议上向数百名代表发表 讲话,听众清一色来自 公司的中层管理者。

  • Be prepared to succinctly talk about : How large is the market ?

    简洁清晰 准备好以下问题:你的市场有多

  • To talk about large numbers informally without being too specific you can say : lots of / lots of .

    谈论非正式但不具体的数目,你可以说:lots of/许多。

  • Talk about a Good Command and Application of Stability at Large Angle


  • Talk about Excel Application in Teaching of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics from Random Simulation of Large Numbers Law

    数定律随机模拟 Excel在概率论与数理统计教学中的应用

  • They could talk of nothing but officers ; and Mr. Bingley 's large fortune the mention of which gave animation to their mother was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentals of an ensign .

    她们 现在 开口闭口都离不开那些军官。在这以前,只要提到彬格莱先生的 偌大财产,她们的母亲就会眉飞色舞,如今跟军官们的制服对比起来,她们就觉得偌大的财产简直一钱不值了。

  • Larry King is the most famous anchor of TV news talk show in America his program Larry King Live has large number of audience and influence America society far-reachingly .

    拉里?金是当今美国最知名的电视新闻 谈话节目主持人,他所主持的《拉里?金直播》在美国有着非常 的收视率,也是美国最有影响力的电视新闻 谈话节目。

  • The rise has sparked talk that a large investor or several institutions are seeking to buy a large position in US Treasuries .

    直接竞买数额的增加,引发了如下 议论:某 大型投资者或一些机构正寻求买入大量美国国债。

  • I will talk about this in the large object section .

    我会在 对象那一节 讨论它。

  • The man later finds out his old classmate can talk but only when he 's paid large sums of money .

    但随后主人公发现,老同学并非不能 说话,而是唯有付以 重金才能开其金口。

  • When it comes to talk about stereo video transmission or storage large volume of the original video data needs to be compressed to save bits .

    立体视频需要存储或者传输的数据量非常 庞大,必须对原始视频数据进行压缩。

  • But speak of from the back talk deeper to feel more from the back have very large collaboration possibility .

    但是谈到后面就越 越深觉得后面有 很大的合作可能性。

  • When we talk about cultural heritage come to mind are a variety of large and high reputation such as the Forbidden City Great Wall Terracotta Warriors Dunhuang murals Phoenix and other ancient world-famous historic sites .

    每每 说起文化遗产,人们所想到的都是各种 规模 的和名气高的,如故宫、长城、兵马俑、敦煌壁画、凤凰古城等举世闻名的历史古迹。

  • Superficial Talk about Wind-Proof of Large Port Shore Crane

    浅谈港口岸壁 大型起重机防风问题

  • Since we have a focused subject you should not talk at large .

    我们有一个焦点话题,所以你不应该 东拉西扯

  • When you talk about GIS data formats you must consider the large number of formats to support to make each data viewer and GIS application widely usable .

    谈到GIS数据格式时,必然会考虑到要支持的 大量格式,以使每个数据查看器和GIS应用程序可以广泛适用。

  • Talk that Lehman is looking to sell a chunk its much-prized asset-management business as well as large amounts of commercial mortgage-related assets has intensified in the past few days .

    市场一直 传言雷曼兄弟打算出售颇具价值的资产管理业务以及数目 巨大的商业抵押贷款相关资产。过去几日,此类流言更加甚嚣尘上。

  • This talk and most specially the kinds of choice I want to talk with you about today apply much more to very large organizations which do the share signs alone require large leadership jobs .

    这个谈话和我今天要 的,大部分特别种类的选择,更适用于,非常 的组织,它们单独享有标志,要求大型领导工作。

  • If you talk to people in a large pharmaceutical company about it they would say you are nuts Seder says .

    “如果你 大型制药公司的人这么说,他们可能会说你疯了,”Seder说。

  • I remember once giving a talk describing all the large increases in capacity we were putting in place and scaring the analysts who wondered who was going to use all that stuff .

    我记得我有一次 谈到了我们当时正在实施的 大幅扩容,这项技术甚至让分析人士感到恐慌,因为他们不清楚谁会用这些东西。

  • Talk of a bubble in China 's market looms large as the Shanghai Composite has doubled in 10 months and the Shenzhen Composite is up more than 50 per cent this year alone .

    上证综指在10个月内翻了一番,而深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)仅今年就上涨逾50%。随着这两 行情的出现,有关中国市场存在泡沫的 说法 甚嚣尘上