talk turkey


  • If you are willing to talk turkey the dispute between us can be easily settled .

    假如你愿意实 实在在地 说话,那么我们之间的争端就可以很轻易地解决。

  • He and others in town talk about ways to expand the economic base beyond turkey and the local Baldor Electric Company small-engine plant .

    他和镇上的 人们讨论扩大除 火鸡之外的经济基础产业,以及当地 巴尔多电气公司的小型发电机厂。

  • He wants to talk turkey to you you didn 't pass the exam again this time .

    他想 直率地告诉你,这次你又没能通过考试。

  • Thus to talk turkey means to get down to business .

    因此, 说到 火鸡就意味着开始认真工作。

  • If you are willing to talk turkey the dispute can be easily setted .

    如果你愿意实 实在在地 谈话,争端可以很容易解决。

  • Tell him you want to talk turkey .

    告诉他你想 认真 谈谈

  • We have business to discuss . let 's talk turkey .

    我们有正事要商量,得 认真 谈谈

  • Talk turkey about it .


  • A century ago to talk turkey meant to talk pleasantly .

    一个世纪之前, talk turkey的意思是心平气和地讲话。

  • John wanted to talk turkey but Jane just wanted to joke around .

    约翰想 正派事,可是简只想闹着玩。

  • Ok let 's talk turkey .

    好吧,让我们 公地 谈谈

  • Some people talk about Turkey having the ambition of going back to the old Ottoman role but in Saudi Arabia the majority do not think this way said Saudi analyst Khalid al-Dakhil .

    「有些人 土耳其的野心是想要回到古鄂图曼帝国一样的角色,不过,在沙乌地阿拉伯,大众并不这样想。」沙乌地阿拉伯分析师达克希尔表示。

  • It will make things worse if you don 't talk turkey to your father .

    如果你再不 你父亲 清楚,事情 会变得更糟糕。

  • Andy does not dare ( to ) talk cold turkey to Cecily .

    安迪不敢对塞西莉 关于冰冻 火鸡之事。

  • I 'm tired of this nonsense . Make him talk turkey .

    我对这些废话烦透了,叫他 直说

  • We have been beating about the Bush on the matter for so long and it 's time to talk turkey .

    在这个问题上我们兜了这么长时间的圈子了,现在也该 真格的了。

  • I 'm not here to waste time so talk turkey or I 'll go .

    我不是来这里浪费时间的, 直言 ,不然我要走啦。