talk back

[tɔk bæk][tɔ:k bæk]


  • You wouldn 't let me talk back then .

    你从来不让我 以前

  • It is very bad of you to talk back to your dad .

    你竟然 你爸爸 顶嘴,真是太无礼了。

  • She 'd just talk back to you .

    她也会 反过来

  • So you talk back to a senior ?

    那你就可以 上司 顶嘴吗?

  • How dare you talk back to me !

    你竟敢跟我 顶嘴

  • Speaking to your parents you 'd better never talk back .

    跟你父母说话时最好不要 回嘴

  • He tried to talk back but his sister vociferously talked him down .

    他想 回嘴,但他姐姐大声吵嚷,压倒了他。

  • He knew better than to talk back to his father .

    他知道最好还是不要 他父亲 顶嘴

  • Talk back like that one more time and I 'll rip your tongue out !

    那样 顶嘴我就撕了你的舌头!

  • Don 't talk back to me you big blue lout .


  • If you want a robot that can cook or a television set you can talk back to just wait .

    你想要有一个能做饭的机器人、一台你能 对话的电视机 ?就等着吧。

  • It annoys me the way the children talk back to you like that .

    这些孩子象那样 顶嘴使我很生气。

  • You should not talk back to your mother .

    你不应该对妈妈 顶嘴

  • Let 's talk back at your house .

    让我们 你家在 吧。

  • If my children talk back to me I get teed off .

    我孩子要是 顶嘴,我就发火。

  • Don 't talk back to your grandmother you should be polite to your elders .

    不要 你的奶奶 顶嘴,对长者应该有礼貌。

  • I talked back and asked questions .


  • When he found his two-year-old son learned to talk back he felt angry and funny .

    当他发现两岁的儿子学会 顶嘴了,他觉得又好气又好笑。

  • He won 't talk back to me no way .

    他不会 顶撞我的,这事没门。

  • How could you talk back to your boss like that ?

    你怎么能那样与你上司 顶嘴

  • Not wanting to talk back either he simply glared .

    也不愿 还口。他只瞪了她一眼。

  • Don 't you talk back to me or I 'll hit you .


  • And that when you talk back to your mother you learn what Ivory soap tastes like .

    而当你 你母亲 顶嘴时,希望她叫你尝一尝象牙肥皂的滋味。

  • But I know that your performance will talk back all these things .

    但我坚信你们的表现可以 反驳一切。

  • You shouldn 't talk back to a noncommissioned officer .

    你不应该 士官 顶嘴

  • You shouldn 't talk back to your grandmother .

    你不该跟你奶奶 顶嘴

  • Melanie don 't talk back to your mother !

    梅拉妮,不许 你妈妈 顶嘴

  • Yet now can I talk back to you even as I am doing here .

    然而如今,我却可以 直接 答复你们,正如我现在正在做的。

  • In his youth he lost several jobs just because he dared to talk back .

    他年青时,只不过因为敢 顶嘴,就失业了好几次。