take the plunge

[tek ði plʌndʒ][teik ðə plʌndʒ]


  • But if you do take the plunge please remember to turn out the lights .

    但如果你真 冒险,请记得关灯。

  • After doing some online research and talking with people who ` d been there they decided to take the plunge .

    他们 在网上做了一些研究,并且同身在那里的人交谈,之后他们决定 冒险

  • Bob and Susan have avoided marriage for several years now but finally they 've decided to take the plunge .

    鲍勃和苏珊数年来都没有结婚,现在终于决定 迈出 了。

  • Why not take the plunge and start a home-based business ?

    为什么不 下水,开始以家庭为基础的生意?

  • Dealmakers say the markets will have to be stable for months before executives take the plunge .

    交易者称,市场必须保持数月的稳定,高管们 才会 重新 尝试 冒险

  • But it was the LBS programme that captured her imagination and her enthusiasm for the course prompted her husband to take the plunge alongside her .

    伦敦商学院的课程激发了她的想象力,而她对课程的热情感染了自己的丈夫, 使他和自己一起 投身EMBA的学业。

  • Job creators should travel around spot the unfulfilled demands see potential and take the plunge .

    就业创造者应该四处旅行,找出未得到满足的需求,发现潜力, 投入 冒险

  • I 've decided to take the plunge and set up my own business .

    我决定 ,开自己的店。

  • You 've decided to take the plunge and seek an SBA-backed loan to start your own small business .

    你已经决定 冒险,并打算向美国小企业管理局贷款创业。

  • Rose : thanks . I think I 'll take the plunge and order something .

    萝丝:谢谢。我想我决定 订东西。

  • But sometimes you just have to take the plunge .

    你是说,让 不管 三七 二十一跳进 海里 好了?

  • So we should pass specific legislation that gives entrepreneurs irresistible reasons to take the plunge .

    因此我们应该通过具体立法,让企业家无法抵制创业 诱惑

  • A : Are you ready to take the plunge and pound the pavements for new one ?

    你是否准备 大胆 采取 措施排除障碍,重新 再来

  • My advise to anyone curious about the ways of life of our neighbors on the planet is to take the plunge into other cultures ; you are sure to be in for a pleasant surprise .

    我建议任何对我们这个星球上的邻居的生活方式表示好奇 投身于其他文化,深入 其中时你一定会遇到惊喜。

  • I 'm got ready to take the plunge yet .

    我还不 准备 结婚

  • If you 've been waiting to buy an iPhone until it dropped in price or ran on faster cell networks you might want to take the plunge if you can live with the higher service costs and the weaker battery life .

    如果你一直持币等待iPhone降价或升级到更快的网络,那你可能会对 iPhone3G 兴趣,只要你可以接受更高的服务费与较弱的电池能力。

  • They finally decided to take the plunge and get married .

    最后,他们 毅然决定结婚。

  • They let you go to the water 's edge wade in up to your ankles and see if you really want to take the plunge .

    它们能够让你来到水边,让水浸到你的脚踝,然后使你能够了解你是不是真的 想要 进去

  • For those who really want change it 's enough for them to take the plunge .

    对于那些真正想要改变的人来说,这些足以让他们尝试 冒险了。

  • Now they can invest it more companies may take the plunge .

    现在它们可以进行投资,因此更多企业可能会 开始 接受 人民币

  • The climber never seems to take the plunge until he gets to know the mountain .

    登山者在对大山了如指掌之前是不会轻易 冒险攀登的。

  • He 'll take the plunge and start his own business .

    他会 采取 果断 行动,从而开创他自己的事业。

  • From those who felt this way Mrs. Thatcher received full marks for being prepared to take the plunge .

    那些抱有这样想法的人,对撒切尔夫人大为赞赏,因为她准备 一决雌雄

  • It will be interesting to see where ( and if ) Rafa decides to take the plunge .

    现在得看拉法是否会 冒险 试一试了。

  • With all the background work out of the way I think you 're ready to take the plunge and develop your own custom JSF components .

    有了这些基础工作之后,我认为您已经可以 采取 行动,开发自己的定制JSF组件了。

  • A husky dog or snowmobile safari sleigh ride or take the plunge into an ice pool .

    乘坐狗狗拉的雪橇或 乘坐雪上汽车来一次旅行,还 可以尝试 一下冰潭中 冬泳

  • Take a test ; take the plunge .

    接受一次测验; 接受一次 投入

  • If the UK is to raise its inadequate share of exports to emerging markets more companies will also have to take the plunge .

    如果英国想提高面向新兴市场的出口份额,更多的公司也将不得不 铤而走险

  • Why not take the plunge and have it over ?

    为啥 冒险把它结束 呢?