take-off stage

[tek ɔf stedʒ][teik ɔf steidʒ]

[经] 起飞阶段

  • Dynamic Analysis of the Effect of Different Arms Techniques during the Take-off Stage of dbF Movement on the dF Motion ; right-left traverse of the arm

    bdF类动作 起跳 过程中不同手臂技术对dF动作效应的力学分析

  • The economy is at a take-off stage .

    经济 起飞

  • What a common law of the economic development of countries in the world is that when a country is in an economy take-off stage railway often has an leading role for economic growth also railway has had a clear period of great development in history .

    世界各国经济发展的一个共同规律是,当一个国家处于经济 起飞 阶段时,铁路对于经济增长往往具有先导性的带动作用,铁路在历史上都有过明显的大发展时期。

  • When the physical center of gravity increased marginally by speeding up hip rotation speed in the take-off stage can successfully complete the movement .

    4 腾空 阶段身体重心的 腾空 高度不一定影响动作的完成,当身体重心升高的幅度不大时,通过加快 起跳 阶段 瞬间髋关节的旋转速度可以成功完成动作。

  • Biomechanical Analysis of Take-off Stage of Tornado Kick Turn 720 ° to Horse Step in Wushu Routine

    武术套路中旋风脚转体720°接马步动作 阶段的生物力学分析

  • ANALYSIS ON SENSITIVITY OF AGILITY METRICS TO THE PILOT CONTROL INPUTS FOR FIGHTER AIRCRAFT An Accurate Estimate of Take-off Weight of Fighter Aircraft at Conceptual Design Stage

    战斗机功能敏捷性对操纵输入灵敏度的研究战斗机战术技术要求的分析和全 重量的计算

  • Guangdong has basically completed take-off stage and will enter the era of high mass consumption ;

    广东已基本完成“ 起飞阶段,正进入高额大众消费时代;

  • In the take-off stage of economic growth the expectation adapted from government consumption and financial development will play a very important role in economic growth .

    经济 起飞 阶段,政府支出和金融发展等形成的预期效应在经济增长中发挥着重要作用。

  • According to development economics capital input is crucial in modern economic growth especially in the take-off stage .

    根据发展经济学的理论,在现代经济增长中,资本的投入十分重要,特别是在经济 起飞 阶段

  • This paper makes economic take-off a decisively significant stage in developing countries ' industrialization and modernization as its background and studies the appropriate wage level in rapid economic growth and the function of wage mechanism in economic take-off .

    本文以 起飞这一发展中国家工业化和现代化 过程中具有决定性意义的 阶段为背景,试图探讨中国经济 起飞 时期经济高速增长过程中的适度的工资水平问题以及工资机制在经济起飞过程中的作用。

  • Processing trade is the engine of economic take-off in many countries . Many countries take advantage of their low labor cost to develop Processing industry and domestic economy in the initial stage of economic development .

    加工贸易是许多国家经济 起飞的发动机,许多国家在经济起步 阶段,都是利用本国劳动力成本的优势发展加工贸易产业来发展本国经济。

  • But this did not translate into strong job creation or a self-reinforcing take-off in the economy similar to those that transformed Asian economies such as South Korea at a similar stage in their development .

    但这一切并没有转化成工作岗位的大幅增加、或是自我强化的经济 起飞像韩国等亚洲国家在发展的类似 阶段所经历的那种经济转型。

  • The evaluation and control about contribution of electronic commerce to economic growth is divided into two parts and is the theoretical research based on the E-commerce economic development practice from the initial stage to take-off stage .

    电子商务对经济增长贡献的评价与控制的研究内容分为评价和控制两个部分,是基于我国电子商务经济从起步阶段进入到 腾飞 阶段 以后的经济发展实践的理论研究。

  • It used the analytic method of sports biomechanical photographs to make a three dimensional analysis of the technique in the take-off stage of tornado kick turn 720 ° to horse step .

    运用运动生物力学影像解析法,对武术套路中旋风脚转体720°接马步动作 阶段技术进行三维立体分析。

  • Auto industry of China is in the take-off stage . So the definition of vertical control strategy will have a great effect to the development of the automobile industry .

    中国的汽车产业正处于 起飞 阶段,对各项纵向控制策略的界定在很大程度上会影响到汽车产业链的发展。

  • Take-off leg in general support the results were better . In the buffer stage the study of the take-off leg muscles strong good cushioning technology there will not be too many problems .

    起跳腿总体支撑效果比较好,在缓冲 阶段,研究对象起跳腿肌肉力量强,缓冲技术好,并没有出现太多问题。

  • The research and Analysis on jump shooting technology 's take-off stage of 3-D

    跳投技术 起跳 阶段三维 运动学的分析与研究