world knowledge

[wɜrld ˈnɑlɪdʒ][wɜː(r)ld ˈnɔlidʒ]


  • The typical classroom used to be the place where teachers and students were working and exploring the wonderful world knowledge together but now everything has changed .

    从前,典型的课堂让师生同处一室,共同探索精彩的 知识 世界,但是如今,一切都发生了变化。

  • The low proficiency subjects resorted to general world knowledge more frequently as a result of their weak linguistic processing abilities .

    受试语言能力较低,语言处理能力弱,因而更常依赖一般 世界 知识

  • In addition they preferred to link their responses to world knowledge more .

    此外,他们还倾向于建立更多的与 世界 知识之间的联想。

  • The subjects were also found to use co-text combined with world knowledge to infer word meaning .

    同时也发现,受试在推测词义时会把上下文时和 世界 知识结合起来。

  • In the situation Chinese economy continuously melting into the world knowledge economy system the status of backwardness in the western area confronts with many kinds of adverse condition which makes late - developing advantage weaken conspicuously .

    在中国经济不断融入 世界 知识经济体系的情况下,西部区域后发展地位面临着各种不利条件,使其后发优势有明显减弱的趋势。

  • After analyzing the coherence in the two types of hypertext it is concluded that coherence in hypertext is also based on the shared sequencing patterns of text organization and the inference drawn from world knowledge between readers and writers which is quite similar to the linear text .

    论文尝试指出,从语用上来说,超链接文本中的连贯与普通线性文本一样,是建立在作者与读者共同遵守的语篇组织模式和运用 世界 知识的推理之上。

  • The important factors influencing the encoding and decoding of the context are world knowledge and relativity of the context .

    背景 知识 多寡和相关性的高低是影响语境的重要因素。

  • The classical intelligent planning request the initial world knowledge is complete the effects of actions are definite but in the real world the information of the initial world is not completely and it is often indefinite .

    经典智能规划要求智能体对规划 世界 知识是完全的,规划过程中动作的效果是确定的,但现实世界中得到的信息往往是不完全、不确定的。

  • So in our research we seek a method to analyze the Chinese text by combining world knowledge and linguistic knowledge .

    因此,本课题寻求结合语言学知识和 世界 知识进行汉语小句语义分析,并生成小句语义表示的方法。

  • People 's world knowledge and inference abilities play a vital role in understanding the coherence of any hypertext .

    人们具有的 世界 知识和推理能力,对理解超链接文本的连贯起重要作用。

  • Conclusion Ontology which is as a body of knowledge is used in NLU can combine the linguistic knowledge with world knowledge that can used in disambiguation reasoning of the texts .

    结论利用Ontology作为知识体进行自然语言理解,能够有效的把语言学知识和 世界 知识结合起来,运用 世界知识对文本进行消歧和推理;

  • Psycholinguists hold that metaphor is a means of conceptualizing people 's world knowledge and experience reflecting a common mode of thought and cognition and it does not need additional cognitive process to understand metaphorical language .

    心理语言学家认为,隐喻是人们对 日常 知识和经验概念化的一种手段,反映了人们较为普遍的思维和认知方式,对隐喻语言理解并不需要特殊的认知过程。

  • It is proved that cohesive devices thematic knowledge and world knowledge all play a role in it .

    结果证明,衔接手段,篇章主题知识和 常识知识都会影响以汉语为母语的英语阅读者的阅读效率。

  • The world knowledge needed in the algorithm is included in Ontology and lexical knowledge in the Semantic Lexicon .

    算法中需要的 世界 知识和汉语词级知识分别包含在Ontology和语义词典中。

  • Since its wide use in reading research the schema theory has found out that background knowledge contributes to reading comprehension which is an interactive process of input information with the existing world knowledge .

    图式理论的应用和研究表明,背景知识有助于阅读理解。阅读理解的过程是输入信息与读者头脑中的 世界 知识动态地交互作用的过程。

  • A Solutions Partnership to End Poverty & Speech at World Knowledge Forum

    世界 知识论坛上的发言

  • One of the main reasons is that machine lacks the real world knowledge characteristic of human beings .

    这主要是由于机器还缺乏人类所独有的处理 社会 知识的能力。

  • Wikipedia also qualifies as a potential semantic data source for its broad knowledge coverage well-defined information structure and dynamic evolvement with the change of world knowledge .

    维基百科具备以下作为一个潜在的语义数据源的特征:广泛的知识覆盖面、明确定义的结构化信息和随着 世界 知识变迁而变迁动态更新的特点。

  • World Knowledge and True


  • There is the Red Cross of china the Communist Party School of Dongcheng district the world knowledge press senior cadres section of foreign personnel and other municipality or district owned units in the district .

    辖区有中国红十字会、东城区委党校、 世界 知识出版社、外交人员老干部处等市、区属单位。

  • It is held that coherence is the reflection of objective things in people 's minds and the result of derivation between the language producer and the receiver on the basis of world knowledge .

    连贯是客观事物在人们大脑中的反映,是在交际双方在 世界 知识基础上进行推导的结果。

  • At present the research on Mongolian historical culture has become a world knowledge .

    现在对蒙古族历史文化的研究已成为一门 世界学问

  • Especially today when the world knowledge economy is at its best any international trade has something to do with intellectual property right .

    尤其是 世界 知识经济浪潮澎湃的今天,任何一种国际贸易都很难说与知识产权无关。

  • With the rapid development of the whole world knowledge economy the international market competition become more and more fierce in the 21 st century .

    进入21世纪,随着 全球 知识经济的迅速发展,国际市场竞争变得越来越激烈。

  • Non-visual information includes not only the existing world knowledge in one 's mind but the knowledge about the pattern English-speaking people use to build up the text .

    非视觉信息既包括构成 人们总体 知识 体系的背景知识,也包括对英美族人构建篇章的约定俗成的模式的认知。

  • Constructivism views the relationship between learner and outside world knowledge from a new point and brings up a new educational ideas .

    建构主义从新角度看待学习者与来自外部 世界 知识的关系,从而提出了一种新的教育思想。

  • Research on Deep Web Sources Classification Leveraging World Knowledge Inference

    基于 知识模型推理的 deepweb数据源分类研究

  • The so-called mode of thinking refers to people 's world and isomorphism about the object world knowledge system to the object it is the perceptual activity of the subject and rational and movable historical accumulation .

    所谓思维方式,是指人们对客体世界和关于客体 世界 知识系统的同构,是主体的感性活动与理性活动的历史积淀。

  • Informational picture books are very important reading resources for preschool children . By reading them children can be exposed to academic vocabulary provided with world knowledge and equipped with scientific concepts and the language required for science learning and discussing .

    科学知识图画书是学前儿童阅读的重要资源,它为儿童提供了关于 世界 知识,让儿童接触到专业词汇,获得科学概念,为儿童提供科学学习讨论中所需的语言。

  • A large semantic knowledge base has been built which includes concept knowledge linguistic knowledge and world knowledge and can meet the need of future development .

    知识库资源建设方面,建立了达到应用规模的、包括概念知识库、语言知识库和 言语 知识库的多层次语义知识库资源;